Chapter Thirteen - First Time

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"I'm ready."

"For what?"

"For us to make love."

"Oh." Aurelia couldn't hide her surprise. She blinked back at Orm following his sudden declaration, smiling. "Wow, all right then, Lover Boy."

Many months and many dates later, Orm came to Aurelia with his declaration.

"But I thought you wanted to wait until marriage, that that was important to you."

"But was it though? That was what I'd been told I had to do - mostly by my father who was not at all faithful to my mother. But why should we wait? We're happy and in love."

She smiled. "Yes, we are."

"So, I'm ready - but only if you are, too. If you're not, that's fine."

"Oh, trust me, I am." She winked, making him blush. "Let's do it."

And so the date was set, as well as the time and place: Two days from now, in the evening, in the honeymoon suite.

Orm was arranging everything - he had it all planned out. He said he wanted it to be perfect for both of them. She loved how he still took into consideration her best interests while it was his first time - he was definitely the most considerate guy she had ever dated. And she had a good feeling that they weren't just dating - they were in it for the long term together, and she wouldn't have had it any other way.

As the chosen night approached, Aurelia found herself growing nervous. She had never been someone's first before - her first time being someone's first time. And, this was her first time sleeping with someone underwater. Yes, a first time with a new partner was always a little nerve-wracking, but this time was with Orm, her first time with Orm, the man she loved, and that made it all the more nerve-wracking.  She loved him so much, but now those nerves were settling in.

When the chosen evening arrived, Aurelia arrived at the honeymoon suite and knocked at the door.

Orm opened the door, shirtless and with his hair down. He very rarely pinned it back anymore, only if he was training, and she loved his long golden locks.

"My Queen." He bowed low.

She chuckled. "Now you're just doing it to tease me."

"Maybe." He looked up at her, still from his bowed position, and winked. "And, a kiss - you said you like when I address you like this-" He kissed her.

She kissed him back.  "Yes, yes I do."

"Welcome." He smiled and stepped aside, giving a sweep of his arm. "Do come in."

"Why thank you. Wow, you really went all out I see," she said, smiling as she stepped into the room.

Colourful underwater plants in pots lined the room, and little, bioluminescent jellyfish were on the ceiling, giving off a gentle light like candlelight. "Very romantic." He had taken such care - he was the sweetest.

"Is it too much?" Now he looked nervous.

She chuckled. "It's perfect."

The smile returned to his face. "I'm glad you think so. I think so too."

"So this is Atlantis's honeymoon suite, huh? Damn." She stared around the large suite, impressed. "Can this become our usual bedroom?"

He chuckled. "If you'd like."


He opened his arms to her, and she snuggled into his embrace, resting her head on his chest and listening to the rapid beat of his heart - he was nervous too.

"I'm honestly so glad that you're my first kiss and my first time," he whispered to her as they hugged.

She chuckled. "You're so sweet. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Are you nervous?" he asked gently.

"A little," she admitted. "But it's a different nervous than I've felt before. It's because I'm with you."

"I make you nervous?"

"Sorry, that came out weird. Yes, but only because I love you, so much, and I've never felt this way any of my other times before. So that's a little different, a little daunting. How about you, are you nervous?"

"Yes, quite. I have been doing some research though..."

"Oh, have you?"

"Yes." He was blushing - it was adorable. "Would you like some wine?"

"Thank you, I would. I've never tried Atlantean wine before. Is it any good?"

"It's very good - better than that drink you like."

"Beer? Huh, challenge accepted." She took a sip of her wine once he poured it. "Ooo, damn, that is good."


"A close second to beer."

"I tried." They chuckled.

They sat at the foot of the bed, sipping wine and chatting, adding in some kisses here and there. That was how it began.

Afterwards, a while later, they lay entangled in each other's arms.

"So..." She was the first one to speak.


"So, how was it?" she chuckled, nudging his shoulder.

He chuckled too and gave a content sigh. "Wonderful."

"Good, I'm glad."

"And how did you feel about it?"

"'Wonderful' describes it well. And don't worry, there'll definitely be more where that came from, Lover Boy." She winked. "And you've gotta try it above water - if you want to."

"I'd like that very much. How was it under water?"

"Different - but a good different, don't worry," she quickly added to his look of nervousness.

"Well then." He gave another content sigh. "I would say it was an overall successful endeavor."

She chuckled, snuggling up against him. "Yes, yes it was."

(Aww, a sweet, lovey chapter ;)

A few more chapters left! And thank you so much for reading and for the 1000+ reads and I hope you enjoyed! :))

Everything I Need - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterWhere stories live. Discover now