Chapter Nine - Rise Atlantis!

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Using the trident, Aurelia transported them out of the Hidden Sea and to the borders of Atlantis.

"Damn, this thing really works wonders," she remarked, twirling the trident around in her hand. 

"I'll sneak into the armories," Orm told her. "And suit up." He was still dressed in the borrowed clothes from Arthur.  "Got to be battle-ready."

"You sure do. And oh, Mom, speaking of, I have this-" Aurelia handed her mother the pieces of her own trident.  "It broke, we kind of had a duel to the death - but obviously neither of us died," she added quickly to Atlanna's look of alarm.

Atlanna took the pieces of broken weapon, and Aurelia touched her own trident to them, sealing them back together with the god-magic.  "Wonders indeed."


Through Aurelia's communication with sea creatures - which was really coming in handy - they learned that Orvax and Atlantis's armed forces, aided by King Nereus and the forces of Xebel, were mounting an attack against the Kingdom of the Brine.

"He wants a fight, then lets bring a fight to him and kick his ass!" Aurelia declared. And that's exactly what they did.

Even the Karathen was on her side! The whole sea rallying to fight against the tyrant king. 

Sitting on the crown of the Karathen's head, Aurelia rode into battle. "Release the Karathen!" She couldn't help herself.

Orm swept in, a trial of his high-tech ships and soldiers and weapons behind him - a whole freaking army!  

He had his own trident in hand, dressed in a purple wet suit and silver armour and cloak, and his spiky helmet. He had tied his hair back again to keep it out of his face while he fought. 

"RISE ATLANTIS!" he declared, and the army charged forward. 

Aurelia swam over to him. "Nice helmet."


"It's actually kinda ridiculous, but adds to the whole look."

"And it's protective."

"And intimidating. Kinda scary, honestly." She reached out and removed it.

"Uh, I'm going to need that-"

"Not for this you won't."


 With that, she took his face in her hands and kissed him, deeply, cutting off his next words.

For a few blissful moments, they were lost to the battle surrounding them. Orm's shock wore away and he kissed her back, his first kiss. 

When they pulled apart, after having a good snog, both stared at each other, breathless.

"Uhh... So, what's the plan  again?" he asked.


"The plan is to not get killed." The two turned to see Mera, fighting back against Orvax's forces with her own advanced hydrokinesis.  "Terrible timing you two."

"There's more where that came from." Aurelia winked at Orm as he donned his helmet again. Even beneath the armour she could tell he was blushing. 

A blast that shook the water around them drew their attention back to the raging battle at hand. 

"There are too many casualties - we have to stop the fighting now!" cried Mera.

"Where are Vulko and Aria?"

"Orvax locked them up for treason - he was planning on executing them after the battle. I'll go free them - you two focus on Orvax."

"Copy that."

"What's that mean?"

"It means I acknowledged what you said."

"Then why not just say that?"

"It sounds cooler. And is quicker to say."  

Mera rolled her eyes. "I'll also go find my father - he's still fighting by Orvax's side. We can't let him win. There's too much at stake."

"Okay, good luck."

"Yeah, thanks, you too." Mera swam away, leaving a trail of bubbles behind her. 

"She's right, we can't let that happen. We must defeat my father."

Aurelia looked around at the destruction surrounding them.  "And what if we can't?"

"Right now we're in his element - so let's take him to yours."

"Sounds like a plan."

"And I'll be right there with you."

She smiled.  "And I'll be there with you."

"We can do this."

"Yeah - but we're gonna need some backup-" 

Orm jumped on the back of his loyal Tylosaur, while Aurelia summoned one of the large seahorses.  With a wave of the trident, the Trench creatures surrounded them. They were still creepy, even though they were now fighting with them on their side, and not against them. 

Aurelia pointed the tip of the trident upwards. "To the surface it is then." 

"The Trench! She commands the Trench!" cried the Princess of the Fishermen's Kingdom, forced to fight on Orvax's side following a coup.

"Impossible!" cried Nereus.  "King Orvax wields Atlan's Trident."

"It's true!" cried an Atlantean soldier.  "The half breed lives and wields Poseidon's Trident. She commands the sea."

"Then that half-breed is your Queen."

Aurelia and Orm were swimming to the surface when a blast shot her off the back of her seahorse.

"Aurelia!" cried Orm.

She looked to see Orvax charging towards them on the back on his own Tylosaur. The creature opened its jaws, heading straight for her.

She shot upwards towards the surface. Right as the Tylosaur was about to chomp her to death, she jammed the trident between its jaws to hold the mouth open. She continued to head upwards.

"To the surface it is."

(Yay, finally some romance between them! ;) The visual effects in this movie are amazing - the whole final battle is quite the spectacle! 

 Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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