Chapter Fifteen - Atlantis

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"This is so cool - United Nations, here we come!"

After years - centuries, actually - of being left as a myth in the eyes and minds of the surface dwellers, the truth about Atlantis was finally being shared with the leaders and representatives of the countries of the surface world. After giving Orm, Mera, and other Atlanteans a brief history lesson on the United Nations and what they were all about, Aurelia discussed her plan with them to finally build a bridge between the land and the sea. It was time to make history. 

In fact, making history had become a recurring theme under the leadership of Queen Aurelia and King Orm. 

Hand-in-hand, Aurelia and Orm made their way through the UN building lobby, Atlanna accompanying them. The Queen of Atlantis was there to make a speech to the representatives of the United Nations. She'd had to explain to Orm (well, to Orm and everyone in Atlantis) what the UN was, but today, history was being made concerning the relationship between the land and sea. While it had already been automatically connected by Aurelia's becoming the ruler, now it was time to open the underwater kingdom's doors and the borders between land and sea. 

Orm wasn't so convinced - he didn't want to hear 'a bunch of surface dwellers mock his home's very existence'.  Aurelia understood, but insisted.  Now was the time. It was now or maybe never. 

A representative introduced her before welcoming her up to the podium. Now she stood before the world - well, one world. 

"Hello everyone, thank you for being here today and for giving me some of your time. I know you're all busy representing your respective countries, so I am very appreciative for you doing this. And speaking of representing countries, that's why I'm here today, to represent my own nation, my kingdom under the sea: the Kingdom of Atlantis."

She paused here - pause for laughter.  There was some laughter, as she knew there would be. "That's right, I am Aurelia Curry, Queen of Atlantis, and this is my husband, King Orm." More laughter, this time louder.  "Yeah, I know, I know. I know what you're thinking: Atlantis is a myth, nothing more than a fairytale, a legend. And the reason for that is that Atlantis and the Surface World have for too long been pitted against each other. For far too long. They have always operated separately, even while there is so much overlap between them.  For a very long time - far too long - the worlds of the sea and surface have been at odds with each other. I think it's high time we change that.  So I come before you, as a leader of a nation, Queen of a kingdom, Queen of Atlantis, reaching out to you and wanting to build a bridge between the land and sea, between our two worlds. And in doing so, I become the first Atlantean to do this. I want to build a stronger, brighter future between these two worlds.  We in Atlantis have advanced medicine, advanced technology. Advanced archaeological records. See? Pretty cool, huh? And here on the surface, I think we can all agree that we could do a better job of controlling pollution and harm within our oceans. This is a two-sided deal.  As representative of Atlantis, I make this offer.  Now, all I ask is, what do you say?"

The hall filled with silence, until the representatives all began muttering amongst each other.  Reading the room, she could tell they weren't convinced, not yet. She knew they wouldn't be, not at this point.  

She spoke into her ear radio next.  "Hey Mera, let's show these folks what we're made of.  Let's put on a show." 

Upon her request, a low droning sound filled the outside. All of the representatives rushed out the window to see, just as one of Orm's high-tech ships rose out of the water, blaring its horn, glowing brilliantly. Now everyone was gasping and chattering.  

"You're doing this?"

"We sure are," she told them. 

The representative who  had introduced her to the group turned to face the Atlanteans.  "I believe we owe you an apology."

"Yes, you do," Orm told him.  

Aurelia only smiled.  "Thank you for your time. Now, who wants to hear some more about my kingdom?"

(I know this chapter took forever and I'm sorry! I was so close to the end of this story and yet lost my inspiration :(  But we're back now!

Yes, as you probably guessed, this scene was inspired by Prince T'Challa's opening Wakanda to the world speech at the end of 'Black Panther'. I wanted to do something similar with the Atlantis reveal :)

One chapter left, see you there! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed as always! :))

Everything I Need - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterWhere stories live. Discover now