Prologue - Be Brave

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"Don't let her forget me." 

This had been Atlanna's final request to Tom before she returned to Atlantis, never to be seen by her surface world family again. Although none of them had known it at the time.

Of course, Tom had promised to her that he would,  and had granted her her final request - his final promise to her.

Aurelia Curry grew up hearing story upon story about her mother, a woman she had been too young to remember, and who she missed dearly though not really knowing her.

She felt she knew her the best she could, however, under the circumstances, all thanks to her father's stories.  

"Your mother is the bravest person I know," Tom had constantly told her.  He had always used the present tense, never fully believing that Atlanna was gone for good, always believing strongly that she would find her way back to them, eventually. They were her family after all and she loved them, and they loved her. They would all be together again one day.

"And you are her daughter," Tom also constantly reminded Aurelia while she grew up. "You carry her strength and bravery within you, I just know it."

This was often hard for her to believe, but hearing such words did bring her a certain level of comfort.  I'm like my mother. 

"She would be very proud of you," Tom assured her.

I hope so. 

She had always thought her father was the bravest person she knew, his devotion to Atlanna and refusal to give up on the idea of her returning alone was enough proof of that. 

With such brave parents, why did she struggle with it so much herself?

Be brave, Aurelia.  Be brave.

Be brave. 

Which was exactly what she needed to be now. 

(Just a quick introduction to the third entry in this trilogy! :)  We will pick up exactly where we left off last time in the next chapter!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :) See you soon!)

Everything I Need - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterWhere stories live. Discover now