Chapter Eleven - Reunion

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Dawn was just beginning to break over Amnesty Bay when Aurelia emerged from the depths of the sea and onto the familiar docs at the lighthouse.

"Arthur? What the hell are you doing up so early?" she called as her cousin jogged down the docs to meet her. 

"What the hell are you wearing?"

"You like it?" she struck a pose. "It's my new wet suit armour. I'm kinda Queen of Atlantis now. This was a gift from Poseidon."

"Like the Sea God Poseidon?"

"The very Poseidon himself."

"That's crazy."

"Yeah, tell me about it. That's my life.  So, what's up?"

"It's your dad-" His words made her heart lurch painfully.  "-He's not doing too well.  Misses you and your mom like crazy.  It's wearing on him."

Well do I have a surprise for him... Still, this was heartbreaking.  Poor Tom.  "Where is he?"

"Up in his room."

"Okay, I'll go talk to him.   But I need a change of clothes first."

She changed out of her new wet suit armour and into her classic khaki pants, combat boots, and a band T-shirt - The Rolling Stones. As cool as the new armour was, it was nice to get out of it and into some comfy clothes. 

When she arrived upstairs, Tom appeared weary. He looked so broken, so heartbroken, like all the light and happiness usually associated with Tom Curry had been drained from him.  It was a saddening sight and Aurelia's heart went out to him. 

She  knocked on the door. She was glad when a smile spread across her father's face when he saw her. "Kiddo! You're here!"

"I sure am." Father and daughter wrapped each other up in a tight hug.

"What happened?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." She didn't really want to go into all the details just now - she was still trying to absorb all that had happened in the last few days herself. 

Tom nodded, then went back to staring longingly out the window.

"Come on, Dad. You haven't missed a morning in years. Maybe this one will be special. Come on, I'll go with you."

Together they made their way down to the docks, where the family had parted all those years ago.  

Then he saw her - Atlanna was standing on the edge of the dock, aglow with the new morning light, beaming at him. 

The look on Tom's face was priceless. He looked back and forth between his wife and daughter in disbelief.

Aurelia smiled.  "Told you that you couldn't miss today. It's also a long story, but now go get her, Romeo."

Tom didn't need to be told again.  He wasted no time in racing down the docs towards his wife, Atlanna running towards him as well, the two meeting in the middle, jumping into each other's arms, full of smiles and happy tears.



"You came back, you came back," Tom cried, holding her tightly.

"I did.  I promised, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did."

They shared a passionate kiss - they were so in love, and had remained so in love despite so many years apart, and it made Aurelia's heart melt.  She understood now, how  they had just known they were meant for each other. She hadn't known until she had fallen in love herself. Love was funny that way. 

 The sun had fully risen now, the morning in full swing.  A new day, a new start. 

Tom and Atlanna turned to face their daughter. "I always told you she'd come back to us!" Tom called.

"Yes, you did. And you were right." He never stopped believing it, and it had come true.

The whole family embraced, father, mother, and daughter, after years apart, together once again, reunited in a joyous family reunion.

My father was a lighthouse keeper, my mother was a Queen. They were never meant to meet, and yet, somehow, one night, they did. Their love spanned the surface, the sea, and years, all leading to this moment.  

But our story isn't quite over, not just yet...

(Yay, happy ending! Aww, Atlanna turning out to be alive and reuniting with Tom and Arthur was such a satisfying ending in the movie, I love it! 

That's not quite the end, there's still a few chapters left! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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