Chapter Seven - The Third Challenge

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"You have left me curious, half-breed. No one has been able to free the Trident from Poseidon's grip. You may try, be my guest, but if he deems you unworthy, well... I haven't feasted in eons and I am famished..."

Lovely. With that threat lingering, Aurelia carried onward. She had come this far... 

Now it was time for the third and final challenge - her  third and final challenge.

"Go on," urged the Karathen.  "Lord Poseidon is expecting you... The Sea God awaits..."

She began to swim down a dark tunnel, so dark she couldn't see where she was going. It was even more dark here - if that were even possible. I was like she were swimming through a sea of ink, thick and dark and impenetrable.

It had been so dark for so long, and growing steadily darker - again, if that were even possible - that when she saw the faint glow of light ahead, it stung her eyes, faint as it was. It grew brighter and brighter- 

And there it was, up ahead, the only light in the dark.

The Trident.

The great Trident itself. 

Poseidon's Trident. 

But that was too easy... Aurelia had watched enough adventure movies to know that the third and final chapter was never that simple. 

The trident pulsed with a glowing bronze light. It was very beautiful, and looked like something only one of the ancient gods would hold. 

"Um, hi,  Poseidon - uh, Lord Poseidon, I mean.  Big fan of Greek Mythology, by the way. I'm Aurelia Curry. Daughter of Tom Curry and Queen Altanna of Atlantis, and, apparently, a rightful Queen of Atlantis myself. You might also know me as 'Aquawoman'... Maybe, maybe not.  Wasn't my idea, by the way. People just started calling me that, so it just sort of happened..."

Nothing, just silence, the water rushing past her ears. 

She continued to ramble.  "I'm not sure if you heard what I told your sea-creature guard, but I'm not here to be a hero, not here because I think I'm worthy to wield such a weapon, to be a Queen, or to be a leader even. I just want to save the people I love. And, if I'm being completely honest, I think Atlantis itself is pretty cool, so I hate to see it in the hands of such a ruthless leader."

Still, nothing. It felt like she was talking to herself. 

"Please help me," she whispered, bowing her head.  "We're doomed otherwise. Both Atlantis, and the surface." 

With that, she reached out towards the trident, not knowing what would happen next, but surrendering to her fate either way.

Before her fingertips could touch the bronze hilt, the water around her trembled, drawing her to a halt. 

"You have a noble soul, Aurelia Curry," another deep voice rumbled, this one the voice of a man. For some reason she just knew it was the voice of Poseidon the sea god himself speaking to her. "I do believe that Atlantis and the sea are in good hands. You have my blessing to wield my own weapon."

Oh, thank the gods!  She continued reaching out, and  the next thing she knew, her hand enclosed around the handle of the trident.

Instantly, as soon as her fingertips touched the weapon, she felt something surge through her - a sudden jolt of power. She felt connection and a heightened awareness  to everything around her, her senses expanding  in a mad rush that left her breathless and her head spinning, but all in a good sort of way. 

"Whoa..." She picked up the trident, finding that it had a perfect balance. She gave it a few practice swings. She preferred hand-to-hand combat herself,  but she could get used to a weapon like this.

Suddenly, her whole body began to glow with a bronze light and when it cleared, she was no longer in her shirt and pants and boots, but in a bronze-gold wet suit and armour. She was ready for battle.

She closed her eyes and spoke into the darkness. "Thank you."

(The one true Queen! The idea of Poseidon's trident came from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (I love the  Pirates movies!)  I also wanted to connect to the Greek Mythology more! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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