Let's not Mention it

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After what Nicole had told Token, he started to really wonder about it.
He was very confushed now on who he liked.

Nicole was a beautiful girl, but she was also bossy, and sometimes controlling.

Clyde was a good looking boy, he was kind, he always made Token laugh.

Token was so fucking confused.

But now was no time to think about it, it was Tweeks birthday today and Craig planned a special day for him.

Of course Token, Clyde, Jimmy and Timmy were invited to tag along.

Token bought some gifts and such, and everyone else decorated the house.

*time skip*

Needless to say the party was awesome, Tweek was so over joyed he and Craig had to leave for him to calm down.

Timmy and Jimmy also left shortly after for what ever reason, leaving Token and Clyde alone.

Clyde took down some streamers from the bottom of the wall, Token took off the top ones.

The silence between the two wasn't awkward, they were always somewhat quiet.

"Hey Clyde?" Token broke the silence, Clyde looked up and made a hm saying he was listing.

Token thought about asking, he really wanted to ask, but now wasn't the time so he made up another reason.

"Uh wanna come to my house tonight?" He asked, Clyde nodded and smiled "sure" he said happily.

Token nodded and went back to taking down decorations.

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