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"What's the matter?" Token asked and looked at the troubled Clyde, Clyde only sniffled and hugged Token tightly.

Token sighed and scooted over, Clyde laid down and cuddled into his chest, Token blushed dramaticly.

Token sighed and held him close, this is what friends do right? Of course it is! It's not like he's hitting on Token, right?

Token shushed the whimpering Clyde enough to tell him what was wrong, "I-i was in the forest, a-and someone was there-" he sniffled "a-and they-they did things"

"What kind of things?" Token asked and held Clyde closer, Clyde didn't want to answer, he didn't want to think about it anymore.

Token sighed and didn't say nothing more, he rubbed Clydes shoulders completely forgetting about what he had been told.

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