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Ever sence Token got that message from Clyde he had been so confushed.

Why would he ever start a rumor about his friend? And why would Bebe tell him about it.

"Earth to Token" Nicoles voice said as she waved her hand infront of his face, Token snapped out of his haze and looked at her.

"We're you even listening to me?!" She asked, Token quickly nodded, she didn't like that "your the worst" she said getting up from the table.

Token rolled his eyes at that comment, going back to thinking he was interrupted again, but this time by Bebe.

"Hey Token" she said sitting next to him, "lets talk"

*time skip*

Token thought about what Bebe said, apparently she had gotten that rumor from Wendy, Wendy got it from Annie, it was confusing.

Token was walking through the halls when he bumped into Clyde.

Clyde had fallen to the ground and held his head, Token panicked and backed away.

That didn't please Clyde, he frowned and got up.

Token quickly went forward and got Clyde up, he gave a small smile "Sorry"

"Don't worry about it" Clyde said and dusted himself off.

The awkwardness between them was embarrassing, they used to be friends! And now their not?

"Clyde I wanted to talk to-" Token started before Clyde stopped him, "I know what your going to say, and I don't want to hear it" he said.

Clyde grabbed his bag and left to the bathroom, Token was left in the middle of the hallway very confushed.

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