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Clyde sighed and looked into Tokens eyes, "I do, I mean how could i not?" He said sitting down next to Token.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Token asked frowning.
Clyde shrugged "i was afraid i guess, i thought you would hate me or somthing" he said honestly.

Token sighed and put his hand on his once best friends shoulder, "I'm sorry if I made you feel that way Clyde, your my best friend and i don't want to lose you" he said.

Clyde smiled, he nodded and sighed "i guess your not returning the feelings?" He asked sadly.

Token sighed "I've thought about it for a while, and I think i do- return the feelings" he said smiling, "do you still?"

"Of course i do!" Clyde responded with a huge smile, his smile fell slightly when he remembered something, "what about Nicole?" He asked.

Token shrugged, "I was gonna break up with her anyway" he chuckled, Clyde nodded and laid his head on Tokens shoulder.

"Finnaly you guys are together-" Craig interrupted walking to the two, Clyde and Token rolled their eyes with a smile.

The rest of Craigs gang walked inside to congratulate the new couple, they talked for a minute or so before Token noticed somthing.

"Wait, if you guys are in here- whos holding the door open?"

Craig face palmed "damnit"

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