Stupid Craig

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After the locker doors closed and locked Clyde pounded on them, "let me out!" He groaned.
Token walked to the door as well, he groaned "What the hell happened?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know" Clyde said angrily, Token rolled his eyes, " let's just find a way to get out of here" he said walking to the other side of the locker room.

"For once we agree on something" Clyde said, Token sighed looking around, stupid Criag, locking them in.

"Why did Craig do this anyway" token asked sitting down on one of the benches in the room, "the hell should I know" Clyde said annoyed.

"Don't be such an asshole, I was just asking a question" Token said rolling his eyes.

" I'm not being an asshole. asshole." Clyde responded.

" fine whatever" Token said looking away, "why are you being an asshole?" Clyde asked.

"not being an asshole Clyde"



After a few minutes went by the two boys started to get anxious, they never knew anxiety until they had to be stuck in a locker room together.

Token started to think of all the times that used to have together. Cliche I know.

Clyde was so wrapped up in his mind he started crying, get over something so stupid that probably wouldn't make sense to anyone but him.

Token noticed this, looking over to the boy next to him he sighed, "why are you crying?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" Clyde asked, "I always care Clyde"

"Yeah right" Clyde responded wiping his tears away, Token laughed "since when did we start acting this way"

Clyde squinted his eyes at Token, " what way are we acting?" He asked.

" like five year old Clyde! We used to be the bestest of friends and now we're enemies over one stupid little thing"

"Stupid? You called me being gay stupid?"

" no Clyde, Nicole told me a rumor about you liking me"

Clyde blushed Darkly, "that's a stupid rumor isn't it"

Token rolled his eyes, " come on Clyde is it true or not?" He asked

Clyde sighed and look down to his feet "would you be upset if it was?" He asked still blushing darkly.

"that doesn't answer the question Clyde"

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