Gay? yes

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Its been a week since the sleep over and Token was still thinking about it.

Maybe it was time to talk to Clyde about the rumor, but first he had to talk to Nicole first to get more details.

"Omg Token! Clyde-"

"What about Clyde?"

"Let me finish silly, anyway, Wendy took a pic of Clyde and a boy kissing!" Nicole said and scrolled through her phone.

Token rasied an eyebrow "really?" Nicole nodded and showed a picture on her phone of Clyde kissing some blond kid.

Token looked at the picture more closely, he sighed and pushed the phone back to Nicole.

"I mean it's cute he's gay, but like" Nicole said and studied the picture.

*time skip*

Now it was apparent, Clyde was gay, but there was no telling who he liked, new pictures came out all the time with him and other guys.

That started to go around, "Clyde the fatass slut" was said around the school in whispers, Token hated it.

Clyde knew about these words, he cried in the bathroom all the damn time about them, but he still did it.

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