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*Token POV*

I'm not gonna lie, having Clyde stay over after what i heard about him was going to be weird.

But I have to remember that he doesn't know i know, there for i shouldn't let my feelings get in the way.

He was on his way, he sent a text saying that.

God why am i so nervous, it's not like I've never been around gay people before, obviously Craig and Tweek.

*small time skip*

I heard a knock on the door, my mom must have answered it because i heard her say to come up to my room.

I heard shuffling and my door slowly opened, i waved for him to come in.

"Hey" he said and dropped his duffle bag onto the floor, i smiled "Hey" nothing more to say.

*another small time skip*

Everything is going great so far, it's not weird, he doesn't seem different! That's good!

Now it's time to ask about the girlfriend, "how's bebe?" I ask and looked up at him.

He shrugged "fine i guess" he says and goes back to playing on his phone, "anything new?" I asked trying to get something out of him.

He puts his phone down and looks at me, "why does it matter?" He asks and chuckles, i shrugged "I'm nosey"

He smiles and sits down on my bed, "she's always up my ass" he begains, "she said I was to much of a pussy to be her boyfriend" he said and sighed.

"So your not with her anymore?" I ask. He shakes his head "nope, she went with Wendy" he lets out a laugh "calls me a fag yet goes with a girl" he says.

I laugh as well "how did Stan take that?" I ask, he shrugged "not to well i guess" I nodded and decided to let it go.

*time skip*

Clyde was already asleep, he was on the floor on one of my extra mattresses.

I made sure he was asleep before rolling on my back and closing my eyes, somehow i didn't feel comfortable him being asleep.

What if he was dreaming about me? What if he was pretending to sleep to listen to me.

My paranoia was getting to me, Clyde was still my best friend, he wouldn't think about those things.

Now it was my time to sleep, but I was only asleep for a bit before I was awoken by Clyde.

A...very upset Clyde

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