Locker Locked

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"Okay so i have a plan" Craig said to Jimmy, Timmy and Tweek, "What-Gah! Is it!?" Tweek asked

Craig smirked "it's time to get Clyde and Token together" Tweek and the others looked at each other (well Timmy kinda just- yeah um anyway)

*time skip*
*Craig POV*

alright time for my plan, but first I need to get Token and Clyde in the locker room...

"Tweak i need you to get Token, I'll get Clyde" Tweek nodded and quickly speeded off to Token

"Jimmy, Timmy. I need you two to lock the door once their in there, and we are out" Timmy and Jimmy nodded.

Great now to find Clyde...i think that's him!

Oh no, hes with another guy, uhhhhh well a plans a plan, "hey Clyde" i said interrupting them

Clyde looked to me "hey Craig, this is-" "dont care" i said back and grabbed Clydes hand

"I have to talk to you" i said and took him to the locker room, if the plan is going to work, Tweek should have Token already in there, and he should he distracting him

"What the hell man" Cylde said as i pushed him into the locker room, I shrugged "just wanted to let you know-" I looked around, Tweek gave me a shaky thumbs up, it's go time

"I hope you and Token get your shit together" and with that me and Tweek ran out, Timmy and Jimmy closed the doors, and the locker room...was locked

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