You Need To Fix This

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Clyde was no longer with alot of guys, he decided to stay single for a while, making people not so interested in him anymore

He could walk through the halls now with out being bullied, he liked that idea

But he was still gay, he was still distant from his old group, BUT he was still friends with Craig

"You need to make up already" Craig said and looked at Clyde, Clyde kicked a rock on the ground

"I don't know what your talking about" he said making Craig roll his eyes, "you know what im talking about"

"I don't know how! I didn't mean to get so distant but I didn't know what you all would think. It's not that im scared of homophobia or whatever because your gay and people still like you, but i was scared Token would be embarrassed to have ME like him. I mean im hot and all but...I don't know, I just let my thoughts get the better of me"

Craig sighed and patted Clydes shoulder, he frowned but smiled, he had a plan...

A/N i know this is short and i know you all are probably like "get to the fucking end" so sorry...

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