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Jungkook sat at the cafeteria, reading his science book which he had to study. People just walked past him, some purposely hitting the table he's sitting at. He continued to study when suddenly his book was snatched.

He looks at the person and sighed as it was Jimin again.
"You studying? Sorry, didn't know" The older said making people laugh as he waved the book around.
"Please give it back" Jungkook pleads, he really needs to study, so he wouldn't fail.
"Aww, he's begging, guys! See!" Jimin says as he throws the book at Jungkook, causing it's cover to hit the boy's glasses.

Jungkook's glasses cracked, the people continued to laugh as the book was thrown at him. As he crouched down to get his book, something was spilled on him, getting his hoodie wet. He looks at it and saw that it was some pudding, his pudding that he bought with his only money. The younger was now on the verge of tears, his glasses was cracked again, he'll be having bruises again. He picked his book and bag up before he ran out.

"What a coward" Jimin scoffs before he walked to his usual seat.

Jungkook entered his house, only to be stopped as he saw his mother and father looking at him with mad expressions.
"Why are you here!? You still have classes" Jungkook's mother said, grabbing the boy's wrist.
"Mommy, please stop" Jungkook pleads as his mother looks at his glasses.
"That's broken, what did you do?" His mother asks as she removed the boy's glasses.

"Mommy, give it back, I can't see anything" Jungkook says as he tried finding for his glasses. His glasses was then gave back but it was now more cracked on both sides. His tears fell, he doesn't have any money to buy such glasses, how can he study now? As Jungkook was in so much thought, a slap was directed on his face. He looks up at the blurry figure, squinting his eyes to look more closely even if it's more blurry with his tears.

He could see that the blurry figure doesn't have a long hair so he assumed it was his father.
"You shit, we bought our money for that glasses so you could fucking see for that weak eyes of yours, and all you're gonna do is break it!?" His father says as he held Jungkook's wrist. The younger was then pushed harshly on a wall, groaning as it hit his back hard.

"Please Daddy, I didn't mean to, my bu--" Jungkook tried saying but he was cut off by his father who squeezed his face harshly.
"You're gonna stay in the attic today, and you will not have any dinner and breakfast, you understand?" His father said. Jungkook knows not to disobey, so he nodded. He was then picked up and put in he assumed as his father's shoulder.

"Daddy, please, don't leave me here in the dark!"

Just A Project Or Is It? [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now