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Jungkook looks down as he walks through the crowd in the hallway, his arm holding Minjung. He then bumped into someone, his inhaler falling down. He looks up at the person, getting scared as it was the captain of the football team.
"Ew, did you just bumped into me? You're dirtiness might get to me"(Boy, you're acting like a girl and you get dirty when you play football 😂😂) The captain said as he brushes his shirt. His eyes landed on something, picking it up and waving it around.

"Is this yours?" The captain asks as he smirks, showing Jungkook his inhaler.
"G-Give it b-back" The younger stutters, closing his eyes. Taehyung wasn't there to protect him as the latter had something to do.
"Nope" The captain said as he dropped the inhaler, making it break.
"Oops" He said before he left Jungkook, rolling his eyes at the boy.
"N-no" Jungkook said as he picked the now broken inhaler, tears rolling down on his cheeks.

He panics as breaking one of his things means another beating. It was a bad idea panicking as it makes his breath get caught. He starts to pant heavily, his hold onto Minjung loosening as he was getting light headed. He felt himself being picked up before he passed out.

Jungkook woke up to a bright light, looking around and feeling an IV connected to him.
"You're awake" He got startled at the sudden voice, looking at the door and seeing Taehyung.
"Hyung" Jungkook said as he weakly smiles at the older.
"What happened? Did you rush me here?" He asks as he looks at the older who was now sitting beside him.
"The doctor said that you almost died because of your asthma attack" Taehyung said as he caress the boy's knuckles.
"Who rushed me here?" He asks as he looks at the older with his big doe eyes.

"The nurses said that person that rushed you here was Park Jimin"

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