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Aloha went home alone that day. He wanted time to think about what Emperor said to him. His team was unorganized and not really serious when it came down to a challenge, they just fooled around and did there best. Yeah having fun is what we do but it's no fun when some other team takes the win away.
Aloha lays on his bed looking at the ceiling.
(What can we do to help us get more organized..) Aloha thought in his head.

The Next Morning:

It was a team meeting for Team Pink. Aloha and the others are there talking about yesterday's events.
"...Aloha what should we do..?" Diver asked his friend. But Aloha wasn't listening he was just spacing out, so Diver thought.
"Aloha!" Diver said louder this time and waved a hand in his face.

"Hmmm.." Aloha turned his head a bit to see Diver in the corner of his eye.
"Your not even listening!! ....maybe Emperor was right we really are unorganized and not strategized"
Diver said with a sad look and Aloha saw this.
"No! we are going to do something about this. Ever since that battle with Team Blue we have realized that we don't take lower opponents seriously but we should! And now that I've thought I think I might know someone who could help us.." Aloha got up and started to run away from his group.

"I'LL TEXT YOU WHEN WE ARE ALL SET!!!!" Aloha yelled back still running but then he was gone, and his team was left alone with no leader.
"...Should we just leave..?" Straw said to Diver

Aloha ran as far as he could and as long as he could until he reached the place where he wanted to be at.
"Finally I'm here..." Aloha took a breath in and walked up the stairs that lead to a door then knocked on it and waited for a answer. It wasn't a long a wait, then the door opened and Aloha saw who he was looking for.

"Hey Army~ could you-"


Aloha didn't even get to finish what he wanted to ask but he's guessing Army already knew why he was here.

"Army. Rude didn't let me finish. Could you help-"
"No. I already knew what we were going to say and the answer is no. If I do help you you'll never take me seriously. And you know it."

Army was about to close the door but Aloha ran in before he could. This Caught Army by surprise and turned around to see Aloha standing there. In his House.

"Get out."

"Not until you hear me out...please Army."
Army looked at Aloha for a while but then let him stay and hear what he wanted to ask. Army already knew but he just wanted to hear him out.
"Okay what is it?"
"I want you and your team to help me and my team become more organized and have strategy when it comes to a battle."

"Why should I help you? Like I said you wouldn't take us seriously."
"But we will, I promise. You don't need to teach us a lot just enough were we don't have problems."


Army thought about it for a while, thinking of the pros and cons of this setting. Army really didn't want to waste time with Aloha and his crazy team. But Aloha did need help and Army did feel sort of bad for him.

"Really!! You'll help us!"
"If you actually listen to what we have to say, then yes we'll help you and your team."
"YEA!! Thank you!"
Aloha jumped in the air and then jumps over to Army to give him a hug. Army didn't like contact that much so he pushed Aloha off then straighten his jacket.

"No hugs. We can start tomorrow if you want, just get out of my house."
Army opens his door to let Aloha out and he goes skipping out of the house with a happy smile on. Army saw that smile and he thought it looked pretty cute.

(...ah shit my teams going to get mad at me) Army closed his door and took out his phone to text his teammates the news.

Aloha grabs his phone out of his pocket and dialed his teammates to tell them the good news for tomorrow. Well it was good news for Aloha not for the team so much.

#Diver: you kidding? Please tell me your kidding

#Aloha: Nope. Telling the truth and only the truth

#straw: Aloha they are to serious. They could kill us!

#Octo: Straw is right Lo. They could work us to death!

#Aloha: No. I'll tell them when to stop. But we will listen to them. Alright!

#Diver: ...fine

#Octo: okay...

#Straw: yeah...

Aloha ended the call with the team and waited for tomorrow to come. In a way he was excited he wondered how Team Orange would teach them.
But Team Orange thought differently On tomorrow's get together.

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