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Army and Aloha now reach the room, Army is wet from the rain and has a few cuts or something?? On his face. Aloha leads Army to the bed and sits him down, he then rushes to the bathroom to find a first  aid.
Aloha eventually found it and then sat next to Army, he then placed a few gauze on his face covering the scars, then Aloha looks down and starts to speak

"You shouldn't have done that..."
"What. I shouldn't have covered you from the rain. That wouldn't be right of me...and besides..I didn't want you to get hurt..." Army blushed lightly looking out the window as Aloha slowly places a small bandage on Army's cheek.

"Done..." Aloha sat still in his place but Army got up to look out the window. He leans up against the wall looking outside to see the rain pouring like mad.
"'s a good thing.." Army said out loud.
Aloha turns around to look at Army with a confused look.
"..that we got to dance..before the rain started...Don't you think?" Army turns is head slightly to see Aloha out of the corner of his eye. Aloha smiles and drops his head a bit, then looks back up to see Army's wet clothes.
"Oh! We should get you out of those!" Aloha walks to his dresser and pulls out a simple white t-shirt.
"Here. You could wear this~"
Army takes the shirt and looks at it then goes too the bathroom to change.

Aloha was left alone for a while until he came back out with the shirt on.
"You look good~" Aloha spoke as he laid on his side while he was on the bed.
"Shush up." Army blushed. He still wore his head gear but the white shirt he has on made him look good.
"Humm..." Aloha let out
"What's up?"
"You know...I was wondering if you would every like to dance again?" Aloha sits up starring at Army.
" be honest..yeah I would. It was a nice change." Aloha beamed at those words and showed a bright smile.
"Heh for someone who doesn't dance you did really well~"
"Well I can slow songs, I just can't dance the way you can."
"Wait so you do dance?" Aloha has a look of surprise
"Yeah. My parents always hosted a gathering of family and friends when I was young, and it involved me dancing with some of my parents friends children."
"You had to dance with people?"
"Yeah. My parents excepted me to..entertain the young children who were my age."

Aloha sat in his spot thinking about what Army is saying. (He had to do a lot for his parents. He didn't have freedom like any other children, and he had to put on a show for others! That's so not fresh.) Aloha got mad as he thought of this over and over. Army noticed and sighed, he went to his jacket and pulled out his phone.

Aloha clenched his fists has he sat on the bed until he heard someone singing, he looked over to where it was coming from, and he saw that Army put on some music. Army walks over to the pink squid and put out his hand for him to take.
"You want to dance?" Aloha questioned
"Well I'm not giving you a hand shake." Army said sarcastically. Aloha smiled and took his hand. Aloha places both of his hands on Army's shoulders and Army did the same.
"This songs nice..." Aloha swayed back and fourth.
"It's nice how you can get angry for me..." Army said
"! ...well someone should! It's not fair..." Aloha whispered that last part but Army heard it.
"I wasn't raised to let my emotions take my actions. My...parents would throw shame."
"I still wish you can be upset. You shouldn't keep it in..." Aloha clenched onto Army but Army didn't mind.
"Who says I'm not upset..." hearing those words  fazed Aloha. (He's...upset..)
"Yeah I lost a lot of my childhood, staying inside, reading, writing, was terrible. But you know..I shouldn't be bothered by that anymore, because I'm making up time here and now."
"...with you..." Aloha blushed red, his face burning hot like it could melt off, his heart running fast, was Army being for real!?
"Now. Just listen to the music I want you to hear only this at the moment..." Aloha did as he was told and listened to the song.

🎶I'm am not the only traveler
Who has not repaired his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met🎶

"When the night was full of terror...and your eyes were filled with tears..." Aloha hummed along with the melody and rocked back and forth with Army. This was his dream, sharing a moment like this with someone he loves, dancing and knowing more about them. It was a good night for this.

The song ended and they parted away, both had a light blush but still held eye contact.
"Thanks.." Army said
"Letting me led for that song. You led last time." Army bluntly said and walked to the bed to lay down. Aloha just was total shock at what he just did.
(Well now I feel stupid...)
"But also thanks..for listening and...getting emotional for me." Army said this while his eyes were closed but you can see a slight smile on his face.
( I feel less stupid)

Aloha Hummed and sat on the bed next to Army.
"...umm look this may be awkward but..are we going to share the bed?" Aloha asked, then Army sits up to face Aloha.
"Oh! Oh...umm y-yeah. If you want, I'll take the floor-"
"No no no no. We'll share." Aloha cut Army off with his sentence.
"So it's okay then. There's no rule in your family saying that you can't sleep next to someone. Hah!"
Army looked away and rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed on how Aloha know's about his family's having rules.
"There is isn't there." Aloha looked at Army. He just nodded still looking away.
"Huh. What does it mean?" Aloha asked
"I don't want to say..." Army shyly said
"Is it bad?"
"No...just not really comfortable saying it."
(I'm especially not going to say it to Aloha!)
"Well if it's okay with you. Let's head to bed I'm beat" Aloha cracked his knuckles and fell back onto the pillow behind him.
"...alright goodnight."
"Night curry boy~"
"The names Army."

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