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Today is the day Army goes back home to see his parents. Two years ago he went to visit but that wasn't a pleasant trip so he hasn't been back sense. Aloha and the others sit in the back of the car while Army is in the front. His parents asked someone to pick them up so they didn't have to drive.

It's been a long drive, they started to leave around 6:00 and now it's 7:45 Aloha didn't like the fact that he was stuck in a car for so long.
"When are we getting there!" He complained letting out a long tired sigh.
"We're here." Army stated crossing his arms looking forward at the giant house that fell before them.

The vehicle comes to a stop and all the squids get out of the cramped car. Aloha steps out and looks at the beautiful yet giant home.
"It's so beautiful!!" Aloha awed at the surroundings, Army looks over at him and did a small hmm.
"Army are your!?" Aloha looks over to Army who now is taking out his bags.
"Yes." Army handed Aloha his bag and walked forward to the front door.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Aloha laughed a little still holding his gaze toward Army.
"Well..I wouldn't have know if you'd like me for me or like me for my money.." Army shyly said
" know I like you for you..right?" Aloha smiled at Army who held a surprised expression.
"...thanks Aloha, and thanks for being here.." Army gave a smile back and then the doors began to open.

In the door way was a taller squid with more of a tangerine color ink he moved aside and let the inklings in.
"It's good to see you once again Sir." The man bowed his head toward Army.
(The..adults even call him sir..) Aloha thought walking next to Army.

They walk into the living room and drop their belongings, then sit down on the couch.
"Your home is beautiful~" Aloha smiles looking around the room.
"Thank you" Army then spots something out of the corner of his eye and turns to see his mother.
He stand up immediately along with Forge and the rest of his team, Aloha also decides to stand to seem formal. 

"Hello mother" Army said calmly but really he was shaking underneath.
(His mother doesn't look that scary like I thought)
Aloha shrugs it off and went over to say hi.
"Hello ma'am, it's nice to meet you~" Aloha smiled holding out his hand. She looks down and shook his hand but it was a slow pace.
"Hello. Forge it's nice to see you again." She seemed to beam up when she saw Forge, and that's disappointing since her own SON is right in front of her.

"Same too you. You look wonderful today" Forge smiles to be polite but deep down she didn't like the woman.
"Anyway. Army your Father won't be here for a while so it will be Navy's family and us for now"
"Navy? You invited her" Army clearly didn't like the fact this person was coming.
*who's Navy?* Aloha whispered over to Army.
"Navy is a friend of the family, and Army's old childhood friend." The mother said like she was proud to know the girl.

"And hopefully soon Army's girlfriend." Aloha definitely didn't like hearing that come out of her mouth.
(Girlfriend!?) Army's eyes gaze down at the floor but then rises them back up to face his mother.
"She's not going to be my girlfriend." Army nearly growled at his mom for even saying that.
"Don't be selfish son. You and her are similar, that's what makes it so perfect." Army narrows his brow and already had enough.


"That must be her" Army's mother then walks of and leaves the rest for a while.
"..." Army didn't speak, move, or avert his eyes, he didn't even look like he was breathing!
"Army-" Aloha was going to ask if he was okay but Army cut off.
"I'm Fine." There was then a heavy feeling in the room that made it hard to breathe. But it ended because a inkling girl walks in.

"Army" she spoke with a smile with her hands in her pockets.
"Navy. It's nice to see you again" Army went over to shake her hand but she ditched that and gave him a hug.
(! The hell does she think she's doing!!!) Aloha clenched his fists but keeps still.
"It's nice to see you too. You grew up to be handsome." Army smiles but Aloha could was forced.

"Thank you. You grew up to be a beautiful lady yourself" Army still smiled but he wanted nothing more then to just get away.
"Anyway you should find your rooms, I don't want you unpacking at a late hour."
"Thank you Navy" Army gave a bow and went off to his room. The other three orange inklings follow so Aloha went after them.

"Only three rooms available..." Army pauses looking down the hall.
"Only three! But this place is huge why not more?" Aloha asked
"Closed off. My mother doesn't like people in the others rooms, so some of us are going to share"
"I'm with Forge!" White sailor called out raising her hand, all the boys turn to look at her.
"That was fast.. so I'm guessing boys in the other room?" Aloha thought out loud
"There still is one more room..." Blue sailor quietly said. Army knew he wanted a room to himself.
"Fine. You can take the other room" Army turned around to go to his bedroom.
"Come on Aloha your with me" Aloha blushed then took a look behind him but the others were gone
(...I'm sharing with Army..)


"..there's only one bed.." Aloha quietly spoke
"Yeah I know the rooms aren't for sharing. You can take the bed for tonight I don't mind" Army dropped his bag on the floor and laid back on the bed.
"You okay.." Aloha said with a small chuckle in his voice.
"It's only been half a hour of being here and I'm already tired of this" Army closed his eyes and just wanted to go to his home.

Aloha knew Army didn't like this before he even told him that he was tired already from being here, so at least To try and cheer him up Aloha climes onto the bed and lifts up Army's head so it can rest on Alohas legs.

"What are you doing..?" Army tiredly let out
"Rubbing your mom used to do this for me when I was younger. Whenever I got stressed, angry, or sick she'd always rub my tentacles to try and make me feel better~" Aloha smiles at his loving memory of his mother. Army lays there starring up at Aloha with a smile.

"Feeling better?" Aloha asked
"'s relaxing..."
"Shouldn't we head down to your family, they could be wait-" Aloha was then pulled down onto the bed laying next to Army.

Army leans his head into Aloha chest and hugs him.
"Just a little longer...please.." Army begged, he didn't want this to end.
"...okay.." Aloha leans his head on Army's and both hold each other until it's time to go.

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