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Today Team Pink is meeting up with Team Orange. They are going to show them how to become a more organized and strategized team. Aloha is leading them to The Reef where they will go up against each other for a practice on what Team Pink has to work on.

"You sure they won't kill us." Diver spoke while walking next to Aloha
"I'm sure they won't. But remember we have to listen to them or they won't help." Aloha said to his team

"We're here~" Octo glasses said
"Okay they might be waiting. Let's go!" Aloha skipped ahead of his team.
"Is it me or does Aloha seem to excited for this. I thought he hates Army and his team?" Diver said to the two girls
"Maybe he had a change of heart" Straw said

They all just shrugged it off and went into the stage where Aloha is at and Team Orange. Just as they all thought Army and his team is already there.

"You finally show up" Army said to Aloha
"Aww~ what were you counting the minutes for me to show up~ that's so sweet of you Army~" Aloha said standing next to Army. He had a light orange blush on his face and stepped away. Forge gave a cough to continue what they were going to do.

"Right!" Army said standing straight with his hands behind his back.
"We will first have a battle to see how well you work, and how you plan your attacks"

Army said before walking away with his team following behind. Aloha had a light smile on his face and turned around to face his team.
"Alright let's show him what we're made of!~" Aloha pointed ahead and walked to his spawn. The team followed behind and waited for the match to start.

"I hope your ready!" Army said
"Let's go~" Aloha said
Aloha and his team start to paint the ground, Diver takes the left of the stage with Octoglasses, Aloha takes the middle, and Straw takes the right. Each showing their best. Army still stands at his spawn looking at Team Pinks work.

"Forge take the Left of the map, Blue the right of the map then work your way back around to assists  W-sailor in the middle of the map!"

"SIR!!!" They all said then went to work, Army then joined once he gave his orders. He runs to the middle of the map and helps out as much as he can.

"We are doing pretty well!" Straw yelled over to Aloha
"Yeah we'll win!" Aloha said going under the bridge
"Not so fast!" W-sailor said to Aloha. Aloha just showed a grin and was about to swim away but then Forge came into view. She was finished with her side of the map and joined W-sailor.

"Oh? Two side attacks doesn't that seem unfair~" Aloha said to the two girls. They didn't answer instead they went in for a attack, Aloha just gave out a chuckle and started to dodge but then was stopped by Forge.

"What?!" Aloha said in surprise
Forge smiles then all of a sudden Aloha was splatted by W-sailor. They smiled but it wasn't over.
"Hey don't forget us~" Octoglasses called

W-sailor went in for a attack but Octo dodges the attack. They start to shoot there ink at each other, while Forge was left to ink the ground alone but then Diver showed up.

"Don't forget me!"

"I didn't even know you were there" Forge just inks the ground still but then Diver went in for his attack, she dodge it with ease and swam around diver to take a shot. She did but he got away before she could finish the job.

Diver swims for cover but then was meet with Army in his way. And then was splatted.
"Where's Blue?" Army asked Forge
"He should have been in the middle.." Forge said a bit concerned for her teammate.

"I'll find him. Finish here!"

Army swam away to find Blue sailor. Aloha was now rushing, he swam as fast as he could to get to the middle of the map. He jumped out of his ink and started to ink at the floor. Then Diver appears right next to Aloha.
"We can't keep this up. I already been Army!"
"W- sailor got me..." Aloha said but then saw someone swimming in Orange ink. (Army) Aloha then swims away from his teammate. Diver just takes the left and started to ink. Aloha gets close, close enough to splat Army.

"Got You!!" Aloha said Splatting at the Orange ink
"Nope I got you!" It was Army, he was behind Aloha, holding his N-Zap up against Alohas back.


Aloha was splatted and went back to spawn. Army looks at the Orange ink.
"Thanks for that Blue!" Then Blue sailor comes out of the ink.

"You were right! He fell for it." Army found Blue sometime ago and then planned to trick Aloha.
"Now let's finish this" Army said but then Two Pink inkling girls came out of the Pink ink on the ground.
"It's not over yet!~" Octoglasses said to Army with Straw right next to her.

They all charge at each other. The Pink inklings had a higher chance at stamina but the inkling boys had higher strategy and they used it. Army has seen how they all fight and so has his team, so he knows their moves.

Aloha spawns back and is looking out onto the stage to see Army, Blue sailor, Straw, and Octoglasses battling it out. He then starts to run to join his teammates. Diver also sees and stops what he's doing to help his friends.

Army was putting up a well fight and so was Blue.  Straw was about to use her special weapon but then she was splatted. Not by Army or Blue, but by Forge and next to her was W-sailor, both of them finished inking their side of the map. Aloha and diver then arrived and started to battle up against Army and his team.

It was almost a endgame so they didn't have time. Army then looked at the clock and he still needed to Ink more turf, so he swam away but Aloha saw and went after him.

Straw then joined back with everyone else who is fighting. It was a madhouse.
Army inked the ground more and more as he walked, he made his way up the bridge but then saw Aloha on the other side.

"Come on Army..Your not going easy~" Aloha said a little out of breath
"I never said I would go easy in battle just training. This isn't really training!" Army stood there holding his N-zap ready to fire at any moment. Aloha started to run toward the Orange squid but Army knew exactly what was going to come next. So he waited for the right moment.

"...Got You!" Army then splatted Aloha back to spawn. Then three others raised in the air to go back to spawn. Alohas teammates were struck down.
Forge then took the left side with W-Sailor and Army and Blue took the left then started to ink before time could run out.

"He go me..." Aloha said looking ahead
"He read your moves!" Diver spoke
"There reading us!!" Straw spoke
"We're going to lose...ten seconds are left and they took the middle stage already!!" Octoglasses said

"If you keep standing there how can you even get close to winning!" Army said while he stands on the bridge with his team.

Aloha runs toward them and starts to ink the ground. But he goes straight for Army, He got out of the way and swam in his ink to trap Aloha. He did follow Army but he was a little faster in his ink.

Army then went around the corner of the bridge and waited there to splat Aloha. Aloha arrived but he knew what was going to happen so he swam to the top of the bridge to take is chance on surprising Army by Turning the tables.

Army got out of his ink a bit confused then out of no where Aloha surprised Army by jumping down and pinning him to a wall.

"Got You~" Aloha said with his forearm across Army's chest and his .52 gal up against his stomach.
"...alright me" Army started to blush a little but then the timer went off.


"Tch.." Army pushes Aloha off then straighten's his Beret then walks off to his teammates, And waited for the results.


"..." Aloha stayed quite but then smiled at himself.
"You did great!" Aloha said to Army.
"Yeah. But now that we know what we need to work on we can!" Army said then walked out of the stage with his teammates.

"We will meet tomorrow same time. Alright Aloha!" Army said to Aloha so he would listen.
"Yup you bet curry boy~"
"...the Names Army!" Then he walked away from Team Pink.
"Later...Army..." Aloha smiles then walks off to the other direction with his team.

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