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_Alohas House_

"So you kissed him, And he doesn't know you kissed him. Worst part he was asleep!" Octo walked around the room she was in and was gulfs with flames. Aloha stood on the other end of the room letting her anger out.
"I know..I shouldn't have done it." Octo then turned his way and slammed her hands down the on the table that was in front of her.
"Yeah you shouldn't, Aloha that's wrong!!"
"I know, but I still did it anyway. It's just me and him I feel like we have gotten closer together these past days, I know I had feeling for him before but they got stronger.."

She stares and Aloha then smiles a little at how much he really likes him.
"Aloha..just don't do it again. Okay~" she tilts her head to the left and smiles warmly at him. Aloha smiles back and feels relaxed.
"Besides how else are you going to confess your love for him if he's asleep~" Aloha blushed and walked back to his living room.

"So what made you two connect anyway? You two are completely different?"
"Well I asked him if he wanted to hang out, and he said sure."
"You made the first move I knew it~ I'm really surprised he even said yes. What did you two do?"
Aloha looks down at his lap and thinks back on all the times they had.
"We went to a cafe first. It didn't go well in the beginning but we managed to look the other way and went to the Shoal next~"
"Army. Going to the shoal. Wow."
"Yeah I know. But him and I had fun. We played games and I even got him to join me at a dance game~"
"Cute~ wait. He can dance?"
"Yeah. But not the way we do. It's more of a slow classy kind of dance."
"Aww you two danced together~"
"Y-yeah and we also danced on the roof of New Albacore Hotel, and when it rained he covered me with his coat."
"You and him were okay right?"
"'s been fun with him"

Octo loves hearing more and more about the two. Completely different squids enter each other's lives and one falls deeper into his feelings. Something she always admire.
"Aloha." Octo softly says as she places a hand on his shoulder.
"Go see him and tell him how you feel. One day somewhere, sometime he'll find someone, but I want that someone to be you. Tell him before he slips through your fingers~"
Aloha stares at her with a bright smile and gets up to head to his place.

"You'll tell everyone when the time is right. For now I want you to do this~" she smiles
Aloha takes off running to his place and hopes that he's not busy.

_Army's House_

*Knock Knock*
Aloha waits for the door to open and he's rather excited to finally tell Army how he feels.
The door opens only to reveal Forge.
"Hi Forge. Is Army here~" Aloha smiles only to cover the fact that she answered and not Army.
"Hello Aloha. Yes he is here would you want to see him?"
"Yeah! I want to ask him something"
"Alright. Please wait here I need to see if he's busy or not." She then left with the door open, Aloha looks Into the house and can see Army's other teammates. (What are they doing here?)

*knock knock*
"Sir you have a visitor."
"From who?" Army says as he sits down at his desk writing down some notes he's updating.
"From Team Pinks leader"
(Aloha) Army stopped writing for a while then responded.
"Alright let him in" Army then continued his writing for a few seconds only to hear a happy voice.
"Hey~ I didn't know I had to go through security just to get to you." Army only hummed in response only for Aloha to frown.

"So want to get away and hang for a while~" Aloha asked cheerfully.
"Sorry Aloha I have to decline on that offer. I need to finish this and start getting ready."
Aloha was lost their for a moment
"Get ready for what?" When Aloha said that Army finished the notes and turned around in his chair to get up.

"For my trip."
"Trip? How exciting where~"
"I'm heading back home." He let out like it wasn't a big of a deal. But Alohas heart skipped a beat when Army said that.

"Home!? For how long?" Aloha asked worried
"Not long three day's the least." Army spoke looking in his closet for the bag that he's taking with him.
"Oh...hey can I come along~" Aloha beamed at his idea.
"What! How come?"
"Your wild and crazy. My family is strict and has rules. Aloha you break them." Army coldly let out.
"...Yeah I understand..your family may hate me, it took us a while to stop hating each other." Aloha sadly let out, Army heard the tone in his voice. He looks over to see Aloha sitting on his bed only to be twisting the ring Army gave him.

(Well now I feel bad. I guess what I said was a little much. I don't hate Aloha, he's nice to have around, but it's my parents their the problem..) Army thought but caved in because he didn't like seeing Aloha sad it wasn't like him.
"Fine you can come. Just behave!" Army pointed out.

"Awesome~ when do we leave!?"
"Tomorrow morning."
"WHAT! That to early! Why are you even going"
"Your the one who's coming with me! My parents are holding a gathering at my family's home that's why"
"they do that?" Aloha questioned
"They do. But this is to gather and catch up on things"
"Oh. That's nice. Now I get to see where you grew up~"

Army suddenly paused in his tracks. Aloha notice and went over to him.
"Army you okay?" Aloha asked with worry in his tone
"Yeah. Yes I am, just felt dizzy." Army stood straight. Aloha smiled but he still knew something was up.
"You don't need to look so formal with me~ you can be loose you know~" Aloha devilishly smiles toward Army, which sent a shiver down his spin.

"Heh. I saw you shake~" Aloha leans closer toward Army, but he didn't move.
"What's wrong really." Aloha asked seriously this time. (He jumped right out of his flirtation stage) Army thought.
"Nothing. Let's move on." Army turned around and was about to walk away but then felt a tight hold around him.

"Aloha! What are you doing?"
"Are you scared." Army paused and listened closely to what Aloha has to say.
"Of me seeing your...home, the place you told me where you spent awful hours every day.."
Aloha tucked his head into Army's neck and nuzzled close to him.
"...I guess you remembered..." Army lowly said that his voice was barley Audible.
" won't be alone this time." Army tenses at his hold and the fact how close he is, To His Neck!
"..T-thank you Aloha.."

Army turns around to face Aloha and leans onto His forehead.
"Is this okay?.." Army whispered
Aloha hugs him for a few seconds then Army returns his grasp by holding his hands behind his neck.

"Your hands are cold~"
"Sorry." Army was going to put his hands in his pockets but Aloha took them in his hands.
"It's..fine..." Aloha stares into Army's eyes for a short while until he felt that he was moving toward Army's lips. Army wasn't moving away but also leaning in.
"Aloha.." Army called out.

But a short while later Forge knocked on the door, Army backed away and walks over to his desk.
"Come in." He calls out.
"Everything's been finished sir"
"Great. You all can head home, I'll see you tomorrow then." Forge only nods and heads out, which now left those two squids in a awkward moment.
" teams coming?" Aloha speaks slowly
"Yeah. My parents like them. Anyway I think you should be heading off. You need to pack for tomorrow." Army smiled slightly, but it looked...forced. Aloha only nods and heads home.

(What the hell was I going to do moments before we got...disturbed!! Was I going to..kiss Aloha!! What is he doing to me!)

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