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_Dinning Hall_
Everyone is now placed in their spots. Army's team sits beside him, while his father and mother are seated on each ends of the table, Aloha, Navy and her family sit across from Army's team.

"Navy before you leave town is there anything you would like to do?" Army's mother asked
"To tell the truth not really. I only came to see my old friend" Navy smiles to her then to Army, who gave a shy smile back.
(Watch yourself Navy..)
Aloha clenches his fork.

"I know, How about you and Army spend time together while you two are here" she suggests looking over at her son, who was busy picking at his food. He didn't hear what she said.
"Army! Your Mother Is Speaking Too You!"
Army stiffs up and looks in his mother's direction.
"I'm sorry mother I didn't hear you."
"Honestly son you should pay attention more. What have we raised you to Be!"
His father snaps at Army looking directly at him.
"I apologize.."

"So how about it. Would you mind taking Navy out for some fun while you two are under the same roof"
She suggested once more. Army hesitated for a while but nods his head slowly.
And with that dinner was just back and forth talk.

Once dinner was done Army and Navy wall by each other heading to the main room, but his mother intervenes.
"How about tonight. We have nothing planned so Army take Navy out for some time together."
"Mother I'm sure she woul-"
He stopped the rest of his words that were about to slip out, when he caught sight of his mother's glare.
"Alright. That's a good idea. Navy care to come"
She smiles and takes his hand and runs off.
Aloha just watches them and they run away, he didn't like this one bit.

Navy and Army walk long a grassy trail that had stepping stones on the ground to guide them to their location.
"I'm glad we get to do this together! It's been a while"
She beams holding a happy smile
"Yeah. So how have things been.."
"Rather good. But I hate how I don't see you as often."
"When we were children you barely saw me then"
"Yeah...I suppose your correct on that one."

The two walk more and more listening to the small crickets chirping in the grass around them, until they reach the spot.
"Army..look!" She runs up ahead and spins around in the open area that has a giant tree in the center.
"Remember when we were little and we had that one night to stay out late"
"Yeah. We came here to look up at the stars." Army walks over to her and stands by her side.
Both of them look up into the sky together until she glances over to Army and grabs his hand, then makes him face her.

"What are you doing." He questioned
"Let's dance! We haven't done that in a while!"
Army backed away from her.
"No.. I'm sorry I don't dance.."
"Yes you do! Come on just this one time..please~"
She held out her hand, but Army just stares at it. He doesn't want to take it, it didn't feel right if he did. But she was a friend of his..

"..just this once.."
He then takes her hand and pulls her in, she places her hands on his shoulders, when they were placed he felt off about this whole thing.

The two dance together and hold each other. Navy was humming a slow song and Army just listens.
"I like this a lot. I really missed you.." she said leaning her head into Army shoulder. Army looks down at her but then started to shudder.
"N-No! No I'm sorry I can't!"
Army breaks free and steps back. He was breathing in and out a lot while he holds his chest.
"What's the matter?" She asked
"I can' with you. I'm sorry I just don't feel right when I'm doing it with you.."
she paused and shows a face of shock
"..wha..Then who Do you feel comfortable doing it with!?" She raises her voice just a little
" one I'm just not comfortable."

"Your lying. Army who's the person!?" She now growled though her teeth.
"Is it that girl on your team!!"
Army shook his head and looks away
"Is the person here.."
Army didn't say anything which was a bad idea because that means she's right.
"!! No. Don't tell me it's that pink one I see you with!! He! Is he the one!!" She pointed back to were the house is located
Army still faces away, but she now knew her answer.
"I can't believe you!!" She stormed off and went right back to the house. Army knew he messed up so he went after her.

_Back At The House_

"I wonder if their having fun?" Navy's mother says out loud.
"I'm sure they are. They're two of a kind after all."
Just as Army's mom said that Navy bursts though the garden doors.
"Hon what's the matter?" Her mother asks
"And where's Army?" His mother questions
"Right Behind Me!" She storms off to a set, then Army walked though.
"What's going on!" His father walks in with also Navy's at his side.
"Ask your son!"

"What Did You Do!" Army's father turned to him.
"Tell them Army! Tell them what you told me!!"
Army didn't speak he just looks down waiting for the worst.
"Your son said he doesn't feel comfortable with me. Instead he's much more comfortable with that pink squid he invited!!" She streaks clenching her hand into fists. Army's father looks toward him and walks over.
"Father I-"
His father struck Army across the face with absolute force. Army held his cheek and looks away, shaking in fear.

Aloha walks around the house until he hears a commotion coming from the garden room. He walks over and stand behind a wall listening in, until he hears a sound that made him jump. He takes a peak around the corner and sees Army holding his face.
(What did they do too him...)

"Are you saying you rather pick that low life over Navy! Cod could you be anymore of a disgrace!"
Army turns his head toward his father.
"Don't Speak That Way About Aloha!!" Army yells which made everyone surprise
"Don't You Dare Raise Your Voice At Me!!!"
His father then slapped Army once more which made Army fall over from the force.
"Your a disgrace to this family!!" His father was about to grab him but Aloha jumps in and stops Army's dad by slapping his hand away.

"I Won't Let You Hurt Him Anymore!!!" Aloha had his arms spread wide so he could defend Army.
"Get Out Of The Way You Pest!"
His was about to pull Aloha away but Army got up and took his place.
"I'm not going to let you hurt him.."
"I'm so Sick of you pushing me around! I'm sick of you and your stupid rules that kept me from being a kid!! I'm sick of your shit! I'm sick of you!!
His father glared at him and pushes him away.
"If you feel that way fine! Leave!!"
"It will be my honor!"
Army took hold of Alohas hand and went off to their room.

_In The Room_

"Pack up we're going!" Army grabs his belongings and puts everything in his bag not even folding his clothes.
"Army.." he still kept moving around. He looks paranoid.
"Army stop.." he kept moving
"Army Stop!!" Aloha grabs him and hugs him
"Stop..." Aloha whispers In his ear.
"I just want to leave.." Army feared his father could walk in any moment.
"Alright. We can go to a hotel somewhere, is that okay.." Army nods. He then walks over to his teammates room and tells them their leaving.


"We'll stay here.."
Aloha wraps a arm around Army and walk inside with his team close behind.

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