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Army and Aloha walk down the halls together after they were done resting. Army held a serious face the whole time as he walks, it's almost like he's walking into a cage match. Aloha makes sure that he stays by Army's side so he doesn't get stressed.

Aloha wanted to make Army feel less stressed so he reaches over and takes Army's hand in his.
"Just until we reach the main room...I don't want you to feel like your doing this alone"
Aloha cuts Army of from his sentence. Army sighs out slowly and holds Alohas hand tighter as they walk.

_Main Room_
Army stands by his mother side and talks with Navy and her parents while Aloha stands near him.
"They won't hurt him Aloha. You can relax." Forge says as she stands by Aloha while she holds her drink.
"What are you talking about I'm always relaxed~" Aloha shows a small smile to sell his lie.
" Army and Navy are childhood friends.." Aloha asked
"Yeah. But Army barely saw her so you wouldn't use the word friend"
"Army's mom...he wants him to date her.." Aloha softly asked
"Yup! Because they would make the cutest couple.." Blue sailor barged into the conversation
"Army doesn't like the idea though"
Aloha stated to the orange squids.
"Doesn't matter. His mother and father have high levels set for him. Even if he doesn't live here anymore"
Blue said with a little bit of sadness

(...did they ever try sticking up for Army..)
Aloha crosses his Arms, just then Someone walks Into the room.
"Oh boy.." the three squids said together. Aloha looks the taller squid over, orange tentacles but more of a marmalade color.
"Is that.." Aloha was about to say more but Army approaches the taller squid.
"Hello Father"
(Oh My Cod it is!)

The man walks over to his wife and starts a conversation with Navy's family while Army and Navy stand there.
"At least she's keeping distance from him."
Aloha looks at her with a death stare.
"Geez Aloha don't show that look here" Blue said looking at Aloha.
"I didn't even know you can make that face"
Forge raises her cup to her face.
"I can!! I just don't do it a lot..."

Army walks Over to the four inkling who are talking amongst themselves.
"My father would like to see you all" Army held his hands behind his back and walked away.
Aloha walks to Army's side and gave a small nudge, Army knew what that meant, so he showed a side smile not facing Aloha. Which was fine for now.

"Father meet Aloha leader of Team Pink also a S4 member. And you remember my teammates." Army gestures toward all of them.
"Nice to meet you sir~" Aloha smiles and holds out his hand.
"A leader..are you a good one" the man asked without taking Alohas hand. Aloha sets his hand down and begins to speak.
"I think so, and so do my teammates~"
He doesn't speak just looks at Aloha in disapproval
"That's because there're your teammates they won't tell you the truth. Especially if your one to whine about details. No matter, if you are a good leader at least my son isn't hanging around with a lowly inkling"

"Just because we're rich doesn't mean we have to look down on other inklings... and don't speak to my friend that way.."
Army quietly said with not much confidence in his tone. Aloha on the other did hear what he said.
"If you have something to say then Speak Up Son! It's rude to mumble, You Should Know That!"
He voice went deep which sent a cold shiver down your back.
(So this is what Army grew up with..)
Aloha takes a look over toward Army to stood up straighter.

"N-nothing Sir." The man huffed out and walked away. But before he can leave out of the room he turns his head to the side and speaks.
"Army! The Next Time You Decide To Give Me Lip, I'm Going To Make Sure I Put You In Your Right Place!"
Army stiffly nods facing away from his dad, and then he leaves.
"Dinner should be ready soon. I'll go check if it is" Army's mother and Navy's parents exit the room leaving only the young inklings
"We should wash up before coming?"
"I'll catch up later. Please go on ahead" his voice was shaky and it cracked a little toward the end.
"Alright come on." Forge and the others walk away but Aloha stops Forge by gripping onto her arm.
"Wait..should we stay here with him. He seems..upset, we can't just leave him alone." Aloha held a sad, worried expression on his face but Forge shook her head slowly.

"Aloha. You have to know we never could, he always just pushed us away when it came to his father. It's best if we let him work it out."
Those made Alohas stomach twist
"No. Just because he pushes you away doesn't mean you should leave!"
Forge drops her head shame. Aloha takes a look back at the other squids but they averted their eyes away.
"Fine you guys can go on ahead. We'll catch up later."
Aloha walks back over to Army who is still standing in his spot. Forge and the others hesitate to leave or not, but they do which left the two.

Aloha walks closer and places a gentle hand on his shoulder. He felt Army tense up a lot by that one contact.
"I'm...Fine..Aloha.." Army gave it away that he wasn't fine because of his shaky voice and how much he shakes every time he talks.
"Your not Fine! Army. Don't..please don't put on this act.. I want you to say that your not Fine! Tell me.." Aloha felt a lump in his throat. He did get upset for Army, because someone should.
Army grips his hands onto fists and looks down to the floor.
"...I'm...Not..Fine!" Army huffed out trying his best not to cry in front of Aloha. But he knew he did want to cry.

"I shouldn't have came back! ...I shouldn't have brought you here!" Army had a hard time breathing because he was holding back so much.
Aloha didn't like the feeling he has in his gut. He went up behind Army and gave him a hug.
"I's hard for you to be here. But I'm going to make sure your well taken care of. I hate seeing you like hurts to know that your in pain..."
Aloha held him tighter and Army let him hug him. Army then turns around to face Aloha, and like Aloha thought he was holding back his tears.

"...Don't...Don't let me go..please...Don't leave me alone.."
Army begged covering his face into Alohas shirt. Aloha takes hold of Army's chin and makes him face him.
"I might have to because dinner is almost ready.. but..I promise you I'm not going to let them hurt you anymore.."
Army chuckles a little and leans his head against Alohas.
"I'm glad I brought you.."
"I'm glad I came"

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