I'm Camryn Besson

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Camryns.The.Besson |

Knees feelin' like Jello

Tagged: @CorbynBesson & @ZCaspary | Liked by @DanielSeavey and 2,092,942 others

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"Hey, where were you gu- is that my hoodie?"

Jack looked up to see that she was, in fact, wearing Daniel's hoodie. He frowned, knowing he had no right to care after he stood her up last night. But, seeing Daniel's blue hoodie swallow her frame when he knew it could've been his sincerely bothered him. Just not quite as much as the hickies on her neck that were visible when she removed the article of clothing.

"Yeah, sorry. I can't find mine and I found yours while doing the laundry," Camryn handed it to Daniel, ruffling his hair on her way past. He waved it off, making sure she knew he didn't care. "I'll keep that in mind, Dani boy." After a few seconds, each boy apart from Daniel gasped. Her eyes went wide, wondering what she'd done wrong. "What? What did I say?"

"They're just surprised I let you call me Dani," Daniel rolled his eyes, chuckling under his breath. "So far you're the only one who's allowed to," Camryn cooed, placing a hand over her heart. Shuffling back over to her newfound friend, she wrapped a thin arm around Daniel's shoulders. She grinned, knocking his small waist with hers.

"Aww, I feel so special!" She bopped him on the nose, pulling away to take off her shoes. "And you all can stop staring at my hickies," Camryn rose an eyebrow, both hands on her hips. Jack, Corbyn, and Jonah both looked down at the ground. Zach was out with Bailee again, as he normally was, and they didn't bother Daniel. "Girls can enjoy one night stands, too."

Corbyn made a very disgusted sound, covering his ears as he ran upstairs. "Dipwad," She snorted, not yet giving Jack a single glance. "I need a shower, pick out a movie out by the time I get back." Pointing at Jonah and Daniel, she followed her brothers' lead up into the guest room. Grabbing a pair of sweats and a bandeau, she put on her shower playlist and jumped in the water.

She was halfway through washing her hair with lavender shampoo when Camryn heard the door open. Camryn heard his breathing and instantly hated that she knew who it was. It might've felt different if it was Daniel or Jonah in the bathroom, she honestly wouldn't have cared as much. But, knowing that it was Jack brought a whole new point of vulnerability to her.

Jack wasn't sure what to say, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Camryn." Camryn didn't say anything, finishing her shower. Leaving the water running, Camryn peaked around the curtain to see Jack looking in the opposite direction. "I really am, I should've shown up-" She abruptly shut off the stream hitting her back, using the curtain to cover her body.

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