Forever And Always, Princess

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Camryns.The.Besson |

When all of your friends have dates for the night but you're tagging along so you might as well look hot

Tagged: @WhyDontWeMusic & @BeautyChickee | Liked by @BaileeMads and 2,032,092 others

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Corbyn and Christina left the club first. Then Jonah and his girlfriend, Tate. Zach and Bailee, of course. And lastly, Daniel left with Joey. That last choice actually didn't come as a surprise to anyone. But, it did leave Jack and Camryn alone in one of LA's most secluded clubs. 

"Why are we just sitting here?" Jack finally spoke up after a solid fifteen minutes of drinking. Of course, he was also ogling Camryn during that time span too. An all coral outfit consisting of a blazer, see-through lingerie top, and high-waisted short shorts. A thin black belt, matching purse, and wedges. "Let's get out of here," Standing up from his seat, Jack offered Camryn a hand.

A dazed laugh tumbled from her lips, stumbling after him. Interlacing their fingers, she pulled him back a little so she wasn't running to catch up. "Jack!" Camryn came to a stop in front of a skateboard shop, almost getting her arm yanked from its socket. Jack stopped, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. "Can we go in there?" He cocked his head to the side, not expecting her to want to.

"You skate?" Camryn flashed him a grin, pulling him inside the small store. At this point, they didn't even realize they were still holding hands. Jack and Camryn simply looked at the skateboards, sharing comments on every single one. "What about this one?" He pointed out a purple epoxy and wooden board, knowing that was her favorite color.

"It's beautiful," She stared in awe, brushing her fingers over the surface. Jack admired her side profile, a smile growing across his lips. Wordlessly picking up the board with his free hand, Jack placed it on the counter along with his credit card. "Jack! You don't have to do that," He shushed her, eyes locking on an identical board that was lime instead of lavender. "Fine, then I get to buy you that one!"

Grabbing the item from beside her, they still hadn't released one another. "There's no way I'm winning this argument is there?" Jack popped an eyebrow, rolling his eyes when she simply said nope. "Alright then, princess." As if it was a reflex, Jack pulled Camryn into his side. His arm wrapped around her waist, somehow managing to keep ahold of her hand. "Thanks," He nodded at the cashier, Camryn doing the same. 

The Rolex on Jack's wrist read 2:04 AM, darkness casting over their bodies. Street lights lit up their path through Los Angeles, skateboards tucked under their arms. "Ugh, I have to take these off." Camryn stumbled over to a bench, Jack kneeling before her. "You don't have to do that," He unfastened the straps around her ankles, carrying the heels for her. "Thank you,"

Before ~ Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now