Jeff Atkins Deserved Better

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JonahMarais |

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JonahMarais |

I got to meet a fellow coffee and Harry Potter fanatic

Safe to say I have a new best friend

Tagged: @Camryns.The.Besson & @LosAngelesCoffeeCo | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,083,290 others

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"I still can't believe you're here," Corbyn squeezed his sister, resting his chin on her head. "Or that Zach managed to keep it a secret," Zach made a small noise of hurt, one that turned to acceptance when everyone gave him a look. She chuckled, ruffling the younger boy's hair in a manner of platonic affection. He gently smacked her hand away, hiding behind Jonah like a child.

Camryn had moved into the guest room for the time being. It was gorgeous, the entire house that even had a pool. The only thing she wasn't particularly excited about was the fact she had to share a bathroom with none other than the boy who got under her skin, Jack Avery. She just wasn't sure if she liked it or not. Corbyn had already told Jack to back off, knowing his close friend was a player. 

"That's because Bailee didn't tell him until they got to the airport," She laughed, going back to the squats she'd been doing earlier. Camryn had a workout regimen she followed daily, something she'd made freshmen year. "Otherwise the whole world would've known," Corbyn chuckled, walking away to join Daniel and Zach in the kitchen. The girls had gone home for the day after eating dinner together for the second night in a row. 

"Hey, Jo- woah," Jack stopped in his tracks, almost walking into the wall. His eyes raked over Camryn's spandex covered body, looking away after a few seconds. "Uh, I forgot you were here." Camryn rose an unimpressed eyebrow, straightening out her sweaty body. Giving an unconvinced chuckle, she purposefully bent over to touch her toes. "Jesus," Jonah stifled a snicker from his seat in front of Camryn, catching her amused grin. 

Leaning back up, she caught Jack's eyes. "My eyes are up here," Camryn gulped down her bottled water, a drop running down her exposed throat. Jack stepped forward with an intense look, gently rubbing away the droplet. His touch burnt a line to the tops of her breasts, a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. Swallowing thickly, she asked him a breathless question. "See something you like, Avery?" Her chest heaved up and down as she walked past him, not expecting an answer. 

"Maybe I do," 



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Camryns.The.Besson | 

Sunny LA days do wonder's for my happiness

Tagged: @CorbynBesson & 4 others | Liked by @WhyDontWeMusic and 2,093,381 others

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Pulling her massive head of hair up into a thick bun, Camryn's bare thighs brushed against one another. Her low-rise jean shorts were incredibly short with an array of hole's and all she had on top was a white bralette. Bare feet padding outside to the backyard, the Los Angeles sun blazed her tanning skin. Zach and Corbyn had gone out with some evening plans, leaving Camryn with the other three boys. 

Glancing down at a lawn chair, Camryn eyed the gorgeous acoustic guitar sitting by itself. "Wow," Gingerly picking it up, she took a seat and positioned her fingers over the chords. Thinking for a split second, she nimbly started playing 'How To Save A Life' by The Fray. Camryn didn't even notice when she opened her mouth to sing, lyrics carrying through the air with volume. "How to save a life," She whispered, missing the feeling of playing.

"That was amazing," Camryn jumped in surprise, staring back at Jack. He stood in the doorway with genuine awe on his face as if he was seeing the rarest beauty in the world. Which, to Jack, he wasn't all that sure that she wasn't. "Really, you have a great voice." Pushing off the frame, he sat down on the spare lawn chair beside her, their knees almost touching. Camryn gave him a real smile, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "And you play beautifully, not many people can have it flow so easily." 

"Yeah, I uh, don't normally play for people." She laughed nervously, looking up at him. Camryn glanced down at his hands where they sat, a lion tattoo covering the back of one. Jack looked down at her belly button piercing, doing his best to avoid the nipple piercings you could see through her bralette. "You probably want to be by yourself,"

Jack answered before he could think, using his go-to response. "I do," Camryn stood up from her seat with a pang of unsolicited hurt, handing him back his guitar. Jack seized her by the wrist, being pulled back down to her seat. "Normally, I do. But, with you, I don't mind." She looked at him in shock, a small smile on her face. Even Jack was shocked by what he said, not expecting something so deep to leave his lips.

"Okay." Camryn let out, looking in the opposite direction. She focused on the pool and how every so often a breeze would send a ripple through the water. Jack strummed aimlessly, not taking his eyes off of her. "So beautiful," Camryn hummed, allowing a piece of hair to fall from her bun.

"Very," It came out of his mouth before he could stop it. Camryn flicked her eyebrows up in surprise, her mouth forming a circle. "I, uh, the view." Jack cleared his throat, trying to cover his ass. "You know, I forgot my pick." He jumped up from his seat, almost knocking her over in the process. She didn't point out that there was a pick tucked between the chords but let him run away. Just as Jack walked through the screen door, he almost smacked into a smirking Daniel and Jonah. 

"Dude, you're so screwed."




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Camryns.The.Besson |


Also, Brandon Larracuente you should hit me up

Tagged: @WhyDontWeMusic & 5 others | Liked by @BaileeMads and 2,038,102 others

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