Someone To Miss

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A/N - Y'all, I'm in love with Christopher Velez. Therefore, I'm now writing fanfiction and finished 2,000 words in under an hour so there's that. On the bright side, it's helping me learn Spanish.

 On the bright side, it's helping me learn Spanish

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Camryns.The.Besson |

The best part of living with five other boys?

I can steal their clothes

Tagged: @BeautyChickee & @WhyDontWeMusic | Liked by @CorbynBesson and 2,093,092 others

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Camryn huffed a section of hair from her eyes, beginning to scoop a small part back into a top-knot. She sat cross-legged on the living room couch, dressed in one of Daniel's black t-shirts and a pair of red basketball shorts she stolen from an unknown band-member. A watch was strapped around her right wrist with a timer on display. As of that second, it had been going for almost twenty minutes.

Then the doorbell rang. 

Catapulting from her seat, she all but sprinted to the front door. She flung it open with a cheesy grin and two tens in her hand. "Dang, I think that was the fastest one yet." The teenage pizza delivery boy chuckled at her, having seen her multiple times in just that past week. "Thank you, Jacob. Keep the change," Jacob thanked her profusely for the ten-dollar tip, handing her the large meat-lovers pizza. 

"Have a nice day, Camryn! Thanks again," She waved him off, closing the front door behind her. Grinning to herself, Camryn sunk into a corner of the couch with a fluffy purple blanket encasing her body. A glass of wine on the side table beside her, she flipped open the pizza box and dug out a fresh slice. All five boys had gone out for the night while she stayed home, feeling a little under the weather.

"Haha, yes." She cooed maniacally, shoving the piece past her lips. With one non-greasy hand, she clicked through tv channel after tv channel until coming up empty. Groaning, she tossed the remote against the end of the couch. She became pleasantly surprised when The Conjuring appeared on the screen, one of her favorite movies. Shrugging in a nonchalant manner, Camryn went back to her pizza.

Camryn was in the middle of one of the 'scariest' parts of the movie when the front door slammed open. "Mother-" She swore, pulling her blanket up and over her head. Her 'attacker' chuckled, nerves easing once she heard the familiar sound. Lowering the blanket just under her nose, she let out a breath. "You scared me half to death, Jack!"

He grinned at her, closing the front door with a click. "Sorry, princess." Jack kicked off his shoes and shrugged away his jacket before leaping over the back of their couch. Landing on the remote, Jack winced and removed it. "Ouch, that was unpleasant." Camryn giggled, shifting closer to the middle. He lifted up part of her blanket, draping it over his lap and stealing a piece of pizza.

"You're lucky I like you, Avery." She squinted, letting her head fall against his shoulder. Jack placed his atop of hers, chewing slowly so that he didn't disturb her. He tried to hide the fact that her words made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "I don't let just anyone steal my pizza. Or my blankets," Camryn drained her wine, standing up begrudgingly to get them both another glass.

"Are those my shorts?"

Camryn halted, slowly turning to look at him with a red face. "Don't be embarrassed," Jack moved everything off his lap, standing up so he was directly before her. "You look hot," He smirked, shuffling even closer. Her breath halted in anticipation, dying for him to do or say something. When he didn't she decided too.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have one of your shirts or sweatshirts. It would've completed the ensemble," She teased while walking backward and into the kitchen. Jack followed closely behind, a tiny smile playing on the edge of his lips. "Would you like some?" Camryn offered, reaching for another glass before he even answered. He nodded, opening the bottle to the right of his hand.

"Do you want one of my-" Jack was cut off mid-sentence by the booming voices of four boys entering their house. Jonah and Daniel spotted them first, eyes shining with unshared knowledge. "Hey, guys. What took you so long?" The boy with curly hair played it off, sliding onto one of the kitchen's wooden bar stools.

"Christina and Tate's flight got delayed so we all went out to dinner," Corbyn flopped down onto the couch with a sad face, instantly drawing Camryn's attention. Abandoning her wine, she maneuvered into the living room and over to her brother. As tall as he was, Corbyn took up the entire couch when laying flat. So, Camryn kneeled on the floor beside his head. "I miss her already," He admitted, holding back tears. 

Turning to the four remaining boys, she sent them a pleading look. Nodding with understanding, they all made their way upstairs one after another. "I know, bean. I know," Camryn reached out her hand, smoothing back the bangs that fell into his eyes. "But, she'll be back before you know it." She stroked his hair, knowing it helped to calm her fraternal twin. He sighed, begrudgingly letting his eyes close. Camryn smiled softly when she heard light snoring a few minutes later, gingerly straightening her body. Eyes flitting to her discarded blanket, she pulled it over Corbyn's body and kissed his forehead. "Sleep tight, bean." 

Camryn silently tiptoed upstairs to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. As pathetic as it was, she couldn't help the ache in her heart. She wanted someone to miss as much as her brother did. A person who loved her so much that it killed them to leave. Dragging her body across the room, she came to a halt before her bed. Folded neatly in a pile were three shirts and two sweatshirts, none of them belonging to her. Slowly but surely, a smile stretched over her face. 

Maybe, just maybe, she had someone to miss after all.

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