Chapter 3 - The Town

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               Rian laid in his bed, the seemingly endless pounding on the motel door rang throughout the room. "I just wanna sleep," Rian groaned shaping the pillow to cover his ears. 

             "I swear Rian if you don't come out here I'm going to break down this door!" Terrisa shouted through the door. Rian sighed as he forced himself to part with the sweet comfort of the bed, he opened the door to Terrisa already fully dressed and ready for the town. she had on a long purple jacket that went down half of the thigh, she also had a light blue T-shirt on with a yellow circle on it, ripped blue jeans, along with white sneakers. Her long brown hair was straightened, and her blue eyes looked at Rian disappointed. 

                Rian's black chin-length hair was sticking up everywhere and he was still in his clothes he had worn yesterday. "What do you want?" Rian yawned, he rubbed his groggy amber eyes.

                "We are going out on the town today remember?" Terrisa reminded him.

                "Oh, yeah... okay let's go," Rian said about to walk out but Terrisa blocked him.

               "Not so fast, you go get yourself cleaned up and dress in some new clothes," Terrisa demanded. Rian rolled his eyes and reluctantly cleaned up and dressed in some new clothes he came out with a white shirt and worn-out jeans, however, he still had on his dirty brown jacket. "Is that really the only jacket you have?" Terrisa asked in a judgemental tone. 

                "Yeah, so what it looks nice," Rian explained. 

               "You know what wait here," Terrisa said then walked into her room. She came out with a black hoodie with the text saying in purple Drama Queen Rian looked at it apprehensively. 

                "I'm not too sure about this-" Rian said cautiously.

                "Well too bad cause I'm not going to be seen with a guy who looked like he climbed out of a dumpster,"  Terrisa stated.

                 "I personally like my style," Rian said a little offended. 

                 "Yeah, still you should really clean that jacket later then," Terrisa said, Rian reluctantly nodded and slipped the hoodie on. "Okay now come on, let's get a move on before it gets too late." 

                 Rian followed a little uncomfortable in the hoodie but it slowly faded as they walked to the town. Not a lot of cars were on the road at this time, "Hey Terrisa what time is it?" Rian asked looking around on the basically deserted road surrounded by trees like the forest surrounds the town. 

                "It's nine twenty, why do you ask?" Terrisa questioned. 

                "Just making small talk, the forest looks pretty nice huh, it's pretty impressive how the city didn't cut them down to make room for expansion," Rian admired. 

                "I agree, but some people want it torn down and others want it to stay, causing a notable source of unrest in the city nowadays," Terrisa sighed.

                "That's really unfortunate, I'd love to just lay down in clearing staring at the sky in there," Rian said. 

                "Pfft, you'd want to lay down anywhere," Terrisa jested. 

                "You realize I'm not that lazy right?" Rian asked.

                 "The jury is still out on that one my friend," Terrisa chuckled. Rian rolled his eyes and they continued to the city. 

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