Chapter 6 - The Trap

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                 Misty realized she caused a lot of commotion so she quickly ran down the fire exit and dashed off before anyone showed up. Her heart was racing as she fled. She was hoping that the bus driver didn't call the police but she had no way of knowing so she just swiftly walked away from the scene. She walked with the crowd until her legs hurt and then ducked into an alleyway, sitting down. "Hopefully, I can rest here," Misty said, leaning against the chilly brick building.

               She gripped her wrist trying to calm down. After a second, she pulled out her phone flipping it open. There were five new texts from Terrisa, They read, 7:20 Actually, you should just tell the bus driver to stop 7:21 Don't do anything I would lol 7:25 Misty you there?  7:26 Misty answer already 7:30 I'm texting Zach.

                  Misty sighed feeling emotional pain in her heart from the last text as if she was getting told off by a teacher. She then texted back, 7:40 I'm fine, kind of late though, I didn't get notified for some reason. Misty instantly received a reply, 7:40 What did you? Where are you?  Zach, Beron, and Rian are looking for you with my help. 

                 7:41 Okay, so I kinda climbed on top of the bus through and emergency exit and hopped to a building chasing the kid, Misty hesitantly replied. Misty's phone screen lit up with Terrisa's contact calling but no sound came from the phone, "Oh, that's just dandy the sound broke randomly," Misty groaned, accepting the phone call. 

                "Firstly, the whole bus jumping sounds epic making you epic. Secondly, are you with the kid right now?" Terrisa's voice asked through the phone.

                "No, they got away but they gave me a lead, and it wasn't anything special, kind of dumb if I'm being honest," Misty said, "I'll tell you more about it when we meet up." Misty looked at the street which had several cars passing through and people quickly walking. 

                 "Alright, text me the location when you," Terrisa started but then her voice grew quieter, "Hey give that back!" 

               "Hold on," Zach's voice said, "Misty, you... please be careful alright." 

                "Okay, don't worry," Misty chuckled, "I'll text you when I find a place." 

              "Tell her to be safe," Miss Beron's almost muted voice chimed, and Misty quickly clicked the end call button. 

               "Well, this is going be a lot of work, maybe I should wait until rush hour is over," Misty thought. She sat back down and texted one more time, Hey, I'm going to wait out the rest of rush hour so it'll be a while, sorry.

                  Misty breathed in the autumn air, "The leaves will be falling soon, too bad these colors stay in full for such a little time," Misty complained. She sat in silence for while thinking back on what just happened with the crow kid, "What were they trying to convey? And why couldn't they just say it aloud? More importantly, what is important about this location?" Misty wondered aloud, looking at the marked spot on the map. "No matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out." 

                    After a while of pondering, the streets had calmed down. "Time to go," Misty said, peeking out of the alleyway. She remembered seeing a park as she was walking away from the fiasco that she participated in. Misty made her way past the small offices and made her way back to the park. It was small, just had a couple of benches and some trees, to give the illusion of nature, she could see the building on the opposite side of it. It wasn't very immersive and felt like a failed attempt at making the city look better. 

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