Chapter 13 - The Mastermind

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           Terrisa watched Misty and Eric retreat into the woods then glimpsed back at her phone. Euca stepped over to them. "Euca? You didn't run off with them?" Miss Beron asked, kneeling to their height. 

           Euca shook their head, "I explain. Bad imps want Mist friend dead. They shot. I told Mist friend to run," she explained.

          "They shot at you?!" Miss Beron checked, shock lining her voice. 

          "Wait, really? Is Misty okay?" Zach asked. Terrisa chuckled a little and pocketed her phone. 

           "Of course she is. Right, Euca?" Terrisa grinned. 

            "Mhm. Don't know if one or many," Euca replied. 

             "So, what's our action. Call the police?" Rian asked. 

             "No," Euca shook their head.

              "Why, why not?" Miss Beron asked. 

           "Is it cause people would cancel the festival, and you don't want their work to go to waste?" Rian questioned.

           "Yes," Euca nodded, "Only target is Mist friend."

           "Eh, but what if the festival goers get hurt?" Miss Beron anxiously asked. 

         "No. Imp cautious right now. If done, would do when Mist friend here." Euca explained.

       It took a second for them to process it, "So, you think there's only one person?" Miss Beron checked.

        "Dunno. Probably not many," Euca answered. 

        "We should stay here just in case we see someone go after the others so we can tell security," Zach pointed out. 

         "That's a great idea, Zach. You and Miss Beron do that. I'm gonna take Rian, dress him as a clown, and go find that jerk," Terrisa laid out her plan. 

          "Wait, no! I am not getting dressed as a clown," Rian stated. 

           "I don't... I don't think you two should do that. It's dangerous and ill-advised," Miss Beron objected.

          "We have to. To make sure our friend is safe. If they have more people going after Misty and her friend, they're doomed. And we'd need to go help them," Terrisa explained. 

           "Well then, take me with you," Miss Beron urged. 

            "Can't. Security would be more inclined to believe you over some trouble-maker teen. So you have to stay here to report on anything if something bad happens," Terrisa looked at her phone. 

              "I- Well, I could still... fine," Miss Beron conceded with a sigh.

               "Then it's settled, come on, Rian," Terrisa instructed, walking off with Rian. Terrisa led him behind a heavily wood area, "Rian, I'm gonna need you to put this on." She pulled out a clown costume from her bag and pushed it into his chest. 

                 "I thought you were joking. Do you actually have one?! No, no, no, not wearing that!" Rian heavily objected.

              "Do you trust me, Rian?" Terrisa asked. 

               "I mean yes, but no," Rian shook his head. Terrisa glared at him. "You're serious?"

               "Of course. Put it on," Terrisa strictly demanded. Rian sighed and gave in. He went behind a couple of shrubs and put it on over his clothes. Rian came out dress in a red, blue, and white clown outfit. Terrisa tried and failed at hiding a laugh. 

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