|8| It's Not Easy Being Me

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Harmony's P.O.V

I woke up this morning fully aware of last night. I got ready quickly and headed downstairs, that'll show Mel that I can get ready quickly. Mel looked shocked when she walked down the stairs. "What are you wearing?" she asked me.

I looked down. "Clothes.." What is she stupid?

She sighed. "No shit sherlock. I mean your supposed to be me, and you know damn well that I don't wear those type of clothes."

Dammit. "Uhh, you mean I have to wear your rags?" I complained.

She smiled. "Do I hear a forfeit? Wow Harmony never thought you would quit that fast. But you know what they say.. you can't judge a book by its cover."

I scoffed. "Okay!" Then I stared at her. "But you have to change too."

I followed her into her room, and took a peek in her closet. Alot of nice clothes, I could just wear them and make the argument that they are her clothes, but I didn't want to change again.

I opened her drawers until I came across her lingere drawer. Not even lingere, she had granny panties, and old worn out bras. She had big boobs, always hiding them over baggy clothes. I closed up that drawer, I was not going to wear any of those, I'd rather lose. Not that I'd tell her that.

I opened her clothes drawer and pulled out a big baggy shirt. I almost threw up. Next I went into another drawer and found some washed up ripped baggy jeans. I began to change, my face turning into digust every minute or two. I addressed my perfect hair, and almost cried when I walked into the bathroom, and threw water into it , then tying it with a scrunchie.

I grabbed her white, now brown sneakers and slipped them on over my socks. I took off my jewlery, and went off to look for Mel, I needed to get her glasses, plus we still haven't gone over the rules.

When I walked into my room, I was shocked. Mel, actually looked pretty, well not as pretty as me of course, but it'll have to do.

"You know you have to get your belly button pierced right? Its still hot outside and a party is coming up." I told her, hoping she'd chicken out.

She looked disgusted, but then changed it into a smirk. "Fine." She agreed, which made me frown, her goal of course.

She followed me into the kitchen and we sat down at the table, she slid her glasses across the table and I slipped them on. Dammit, I was hoping that I couldn't see that way I wouldn't  be forced to wear these Steve Urkel glasses.

"Okay. First rule, do we tell mom and dad?" She asked  me.

I shook my head. "It would be best if they didn't know. And it would be a good test to see if we can fool them. If we can then we can fool anyone. Well I know that I can." I commented, smiling.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay. Rule one , no mom and dad. Rule two, I think we should be able to tell one person." She suggested.

"And who are you planning to tell?" I asked her.

"Lea,  of course. And you can't tell dumb and dumber because God knows that they can't keep a secret." She answered.

I opened my mouth for a snarky comeback, but she was right. I couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell anyone. Everyone I know has a big mouth. "Fine." I snapped.

"Rule three, you cannot change my image, and I can't change yours." I nodded, "Keep going."

"Rule four.." She smirked. "We can't help eachother."

I laughed. "Okay."

"Agreed?" She asked, bringing her pinky out.

Attaching my pinky I responded, "Agreed."

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