|9| It's Not Easy Being Me

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Melody's P.O.V

It felt like ages since I'd been kissed like that. Maybe because it has been. I savored that moment, until I thought, he wasn't thinking of me when he kissed me. He was thinking of her. Harmony. I wiped my lips and stood up, as the bell rang. I would not let this get in the way of my winning the bet. No way.

I checked her schedule. She has almost every class with me, unfortunately. But this class, English, I didn't have with her. I didn't know where to sit, but Arianna and Kaylee waving at me gave me a pretty good idea. I took the seat in between them and checked her backpack, surprisingly she did her homework, with many informational and grammer errors. I controlled myself and didn't fix the paper. I just turned it in.

"So hows Austin?" Kaylee asked me, well Harmony.

I forgot that I had to make conversation with 'friends' it just came easy with Lea and I.

"Good." I said settling for a one word answer, hoping it would work.

Their eyes widened, and I quickly tried to clarify what I had said.

,"Oh please girls. I meant good as in, a 'good the plan is working'"

And by plan I mean 'get Bryan jealous by hooking up with his bestfriend' type of plan. You didn't have to have eyes to realize this.

They exhaled. "Oh, because for a second I thought you had feelings for him." Arianna laughed.

I gave her blank expression until she stopped immediantly. "What's wrong with Austin?" I asked her.

"Well for one, hes sisters with Rose, your enemy. He's second, not first. Wait- I thought this whole plan was to get Bryan jealous, and get him back."

I was astonished, after all he put her through she'd really try and get him back. Damn my sister really is shallow.

"I mean yeah it is. I-I was just wondering what was wrong with him, just in case I had to get someone better to do the job." I lied through my teeth, something Harmony was incapable of doing.

They nodded. "No he's good. What's better then his bestfriend/ new enemy?" Kaylee agreed , as I pulled out my things officially ending the conversation.

"Okay class today you will be conducting an oral report on the American Revolution. This is a review, so you should already know what events had taken place." Ms. Barns announced.

That was too easy. I mentally slapped myself, I wasn't supposed to know this, or was I? I whipped out my phone and texted myself, but it reality Harmony.

Do you know about the American Revolution?

Seconds later she replied. Uh. Uh. Uh. No helpin eachothaa rememba?

Her slang writing really bothered me. I didn't bother to answer the message, I just tucked it back into my purse. Well more like shoved it in.

I guess I'll just have to wing it. I'll just do bad.

"Harmony Adams, you're up first." She told us.

I walked to the front of the class, and took a seat on the teachers desk, knowing that it was a move that she would make. I mentally padded myself on the back for it.

I played with my fingers. "Okay so the American Revolution.." I began playing with my hair. "Was like the revoulution in which the Americans fought?" I answered. "Thank you." I laughed at myself. But much to my surprise, she was always surprising me the whole class erupted into cheers. The teacher stared at us shaking her head in disbelief. Never underestimate the power of Harmony.

"Thanks you Ms. Adams that was very.... thorough." She spat the last part out, as if it killed her.

"Why your welcome Ms. Barns your outfit is very...... colorful." I replied in the same tone, before realizing that Harmony would never talk to a teacher in this manor. Much to my dismay, the class began laughing obnoxiously. If it was one thing I knew, it was that teachers despised being embarassed in front of their students.

"Harmony principals office now." She ordered. I grabbed my things and shuffled out the door. Arianna and Kaylee gave me suspicious looks but all it took was a smirk and a half to take care of them. I'll just lie and say that I knew Bryan was going to be in there. Gullable ass bitches.

Great first day on the bet and I already wound up with and F , oh and dont forget the minus. An F- .




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