|10| It's Not Easy Being Me

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Harmony's P.O.V

Math. Math first period are you serious? An AP , math to be exact. I could barley handle regular math. I quickly slid into the seat beside Lea, and she gave me a dirty look. 

The teacher, handed out a packet of problems. "You will complete this packet. It will be 20% of your grade. You have less than an hour. Okay, so begin." She said yawning.

I opened my packet, and immediately felt a migraine  coming on. I mean who mixes English with mathematics?

There were numbers and letters and exponents and parenthesis, and percent signs, and money signs. I felt like I was going to throw up.

I tapped on Lea. 

"What?" She hissed.

"I need help!" I whispered. She rolled her eyes.

Then she leaned over, and pointed at the first problem. "First you do....." I blanked out. She was mumbling a bunch of gibberish. "...... Get it now?" She asked.

"Huh?" I replied confused.

"Forget it, you're hopeless. This is a simple mathematics equation."

I sneaked a peak at her paper, and she already had the first side done. Front AND back!

While she wasn't looking, I copied down her answers, and her work of course. I'm not stupid.

"Forty-Five minutes left!" The teacher reminded us.

My phone buzzed. 

Do you know about the American Revolution?" 

Melody asked me. I smirked. If I'm stuck doing this crap, there is no way she's getting any help from me. I told her off, and glanced at Lea's paper again.

But this time she noticed, and covered her paper. Another whole page completed. 

"Listen." I hissed. I would just have to use my cunning ways to get what I want.

"Unless you want your best friend to fail AP math, then I suggest you hand over that paper with all of the correct answers." I threatened.

This caught her attention. 

I cocked my eyebrow, a devious smile at the corner of my lips.

"I hate you!" She told me, handing me her packet.

I smiled. "You know that there is a thin line between love and hate?"

"Well I know exactly where I want to shove..."

"Ladies! Lea and Melody! Shh , no talking!" Ms. Whatever hushed at us.

I snatched her packet, and copied down everything on her paper, then I handed it back to her watching as she scribbled down the problems, then answered them without even flinching. She handed me the packet again and so on and so forth.

By the time the bell rang, I was already finished. I wrote her name at the top and placed the packet on the corner desk as I was told.

"Well. It was a pleasure doing business with you." I told Lea, walking beside her in the hallways.

"Well. I wish I could say the same Ms. Adams." She responded harshly, before departing to her locker.

This was only first period. I wondered how I was going to make it through the day, never mind the day the whole bet! However long that lasted.


Lunch time. My favorite part of the day. Well at least it used to be. Lunch was the socializing time, the time to  gawk at the cute seniors, and gossip. 

Now I didn't even know what to do. It's not like I paid any attention to what my sister does at lunch.

All I knew was that she bought lunch. I for one , never bought lunch. I think it's gross.

I slipped into the lunch line, sliding a few things into my tray. One thing we have in common is that we're both vegetarians, but for different purposes of course.

Melody's a vegetarian because she cares for global warming or whatever that is . And she thinks we shouldn't eat animals.

I am a vegetarian for a serious issue. Obesity. I think if you eat meat, you'll get fat. Simple as that. My sister laughed her butt off when she heard my reasoning.

But back to reality, everything looked unhealthy, gross, and uncooked. Finally giving up , I took my lunch and scanned the crowd. I finally found Lea, but truthfully I was tired of being near her. She irked me. She acted like I wanted to be near her.

I skimmed a little more, and my eyes sat on Luke. I walked over to his table, and took a seat across from him. 

"Hi Luke." I greeted him.

"Oh now you remember me?" He asked annoyed. 

"Oh come on, you know I was just playing with you." I lied. But I'm a terrible liar. So I knew he saw through it. 

"Whatever. Why are you even sitting here? Did you and Lea have a fight or something?" 

"No. Is it so weird that I chose to sit with you today?"

"Yes." He responded in sync with someone else. I turned to sea Lea , taking the seat beside me.

"Oh Hi Lea." I greeted her, not as politely as Luke though of course.

"Hey." She responded, she was obviously a better actress then me.

Luke looked a little uncomfortable.

"Um, shouldn't you guys you know sit together?" He asked unsure.

"We are. Is there a problem with us sitting here?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"No. Not at all. It's just that..." He didn't get to finish.

A chair moved beside Luke, and a boy sat down. Lea and Luke both looked uncomfortable. Me, I was just confused.

"Hello, Lea. What's up Luke? Hi Melo..." He stopped himself, gazed at me, then looked down at his lunch.

What is going on? I knew there was something wrong with Melody, well me and Todd.

I remember him though. He was some guy that just randomly started hanging out with me and my friends. I swear he used to go out with....... Mel.

Yes! That must be it, I thought to myself. I am too smart.

I felt a nudge in my leg, bringing me back into reality, and Lea gestured back to Todd. 

I put on my best poker face, and responded with, "Todd." My greeting held no emotion. I saw Lea try and hide a smirk from the corner of my eye. I took it as a congratulations, I did well.

Todd chewed uncomfortably , never taking his eyes off of his tray. "Um, maybe I should go.." He started.

"No stay." I replied before he could finish. He looked at me confused.

"And I'll go. Come on Lea." I grabbed her arm and my tray. She had some explaining to do.

I tore my eyes away from the table. Luke looked torn.

We walked to an empty table, and took a seat. 

From the look in everyones eyes, I knew that it had to be a real brutal breakup.

"Okay Lea. I need an explanation. Now."


Sort of a cliffhanger? Lols sorry. But thanks for those who voted. I really appreciate it!

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