Part 2

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Hermione POV
I saw a boy walk in and he was mumbling about how to get more  knowledge.i immediately knew I wanted to be his friend,so I befriended him telling him we had the same goal,to gain more power.he grinned and accepted my request on being friends.

Harry's POV
Not long after I befriended Hermione a ginger looking boy came in and asked if he could sit in our compartment.hemione and I looked at each other and laughed saying at the same time "NO". It was honestly hilarious!

Once we went into Hogwarts the sorting ceremony began."Weasley Ronald"McGonagall said."GRYFFINDOR"yelled they sorting hat."Malfoy Draco"when the hat was put on him it looked like it was about to yell Ravenclaw but instead it yelled "Slytherin!" and me and Hermione were also put in slytherin,it was honestly no surprise to either of us.
The next day
The first class was potions and the teacher honestly hated me.his name was Severus Snape ,he tried so desperately to make me answer questions wrongly but no matter what he asked I answered correctly.other then Snape's class everything went smoothly I just kept pretending to be a sweet student.

Time skip (or else this would take way too long xD)
Just 3 months into the school year I was the most popular student in Hogwarts I had my own slytherin gang including Hermione,pansy Parkinson ,blaise Zambini and Theodore nott.we all discussed how to gain more power but none of our ideas would day I was in the library and the defender teacher quirrel came up to me and talked about my ambition for power he seemed to understand me. After the first exam results came out ,the top two students were me and Draco Malfoy .i was intrigued in him he never once looked at me unlike many other girls and boys and always somehow got perfect marks.So one day I decided to talk to him when I said hi to him he just ignored me and walked away.i was angry yet so so fascinated,how could he not care about me?? So I did what I do best command people. I told the slytherin squad to gain as much info on him as possible.

Hermione POV
Over the last week Harry has been obsessed with Malfoy but I do see why over the days I have tied to speak with him he would just ignore me.And everyone knew I was Harry's best friend so everyone tried to get close to me.
Harry's POV
When I woke up there were books on my bookshelf and they were extra Wizarding world books given to me by someone with the initials T.M.R. I didn't have time to read them for now I had absolutely enough I was gonna trap Malfoy and get him to talk to me.

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