Part 2 tom x reader

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Imagine: you're a slytherin and is the smartest person in your year tied with Tom riddle, you 2 have been enemies since as long as you can remember
You sat down at the lake with your friends. The days were filled with studying since the exams were coming up and you knew you were  stressing out.'is this because of riddle?"Rick one of your friends asked. You shot him a look .Rick explained. 'I couldn't help but notice that he's annoying you more then ever.'  'And I couldn't care less... I hope he's happy with himself.' You sighed.   You looked up and the sky. Maybe you could enjoy for a while.  Tom Riddle... The annoying idiot that always tried to ruin your day. Sometimes you could literally kill him. But you didn't... you didn't want to get expelled... or locked up in azkaban.You sighed and stared at the potions book. The library was the best option you had. You missed notes and the book didn't have every single piece of information in it.  'I think that I will go to the library... catch up on some knowledge.' You sighed while grabbing the potion book.  'Alright... don't study to hard.' Melody another one of your friends said.   'You're head might explode from all the new knowledge!' Rick  grinned.melody  and Rick  laughed and you joined in a few seconds later.  'Bye guys.'  You first had to make a stop in the common room. You walked through the corridors into the dungeons that led to the Slytherin common room. You ran up to your room and grabbed your DADA and history books. As soon as you walked out a annoying boy called Tom Riddle left the boys dorm.  'Look who we here... Y/L.' He smirked.   'No Riddle, I don't need your stupid comments right now.'  You sighed and continued walking towards the door.  'Of to the library? Trying to get some knowledge into your muggle brain?' He grinned.  Muggle brain?! Muggle?! You're not a muggle! You're a muggle-born! You had magical blood... These things could really piss you of.  'Shut up Riddle. I'm going now.' You sniffed.  Tom walked towards you.  'You know, if you need help with studying for potions... I'll be happy to give you all the false information.' He smirked while placing a hand on your shoulder. 'Not that you'll need it, the only thing you know if false information.'  'Get your hand of me you nasty git.' You hissed while pushing him away. He fell back and knocked over a lamp. He looked at you in surprise and you left the common room.  You never said that much to him or do anything to him. You mostly ignored him or shot a look or comment. He never expected you to push him of actually get angry. His heart was beating faster and he thought that it was kind of exciting. He didn't know why.  You walked towards the library with your book clenched against your chest. You just pushed him... what happened to keeping your cool? Why did it hit you like that? He always used to say that... You entered the library and sat down at a table in the far back so no one would interrupt you. You opened The potion notes and read through them. They were organised and had every piece of information in them and started to think maybe you were worrying too much.You couldn't help but look up as so soon as you heard the door of the restricted section. You saw Tom leave the section and slowly and quietly closing the door. What was he doing in there?  'What are you looking at Y/L?' Tom spat.  'You know... you shouldn't be in the library if you can't read. It says: restricted section, that means that you can't go on. You don't have to thank me.'  You focused back on your notes. Suddenly two hands hit on the table in front of you. You looked up and saw Tom staring at you.  'You're a bit to talkative today if you ask me.'  'And you're a little to annoying then past few weeks if you ask me.' You shot back.  You looked back at the notes and tried to show him that you were not interested in fighting what so ever.  'I can't help but be annoying to a filthy mud-blood.' He hissed.  'My parents are muggles, so what?! Just piss of.'  'Oh I bet you're parents were so proud. "we have a witch in the family O my!" They'd say... and your brother who was 13 heard that he was never going to be a wizard and your parents forgot about him completely. He must hate you, what does he do when you come home? Ignore you while your parents praise you into heaven?!'  You swallowed. How did he know about your brother? Tom smirked.  'I already thought so.'  'Well... at least I have parents.' You shot back.  He looked at you. He couldn't believe you just said that.  'Want to play the hard game Riddle? Try me! I'm done with your nonsense, I can't sit here ignoring you. Would your parents be proud of you? You wondering around with a dark magic book from the restricted library section?!'  He balled his fists as anger was building up inside of him.  'Shut up...'  'Are you only angry at me because no one praised you into heaven because you are magical?!'  'Shut up!'  'My brother might hate me but he will always be there when I need him. He'll forgive me, I will always have someone left in my life unlike you!'  'SHUT UP!' He yelled while slamming his hand on table.  You smiled in amusement.  'I'm not shutting up. My parents might be muggles, my brother might hate me, but my family situation isn't as pathetic as yours. You will never understand sinc-'  He grabbed your tie and pulled you up and towards him. He smashed your lips together. You gasped in surprise and didn't know how to react. Your heart was pounding and heat spread across your body and cheeks. Suddenly you felt your lips kissing him back. Tom pulled back and stared at you in surprise.  'Why did you-'  'It's was the only way to shut you up... and don't think that I didn't feel you kissing me back.' He sniffed before walked out of the library.
Tell me if u guys like these long chapters :3

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