Part 7 (draco)

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I dipped my quill into the nearly empty bottle of ink and began to write once more, cursing Flint for running Quidditch practice so late, and Professor Snape for assigning such a bloody long essay.  "(Y/L/N)," drawled a familiar voice. I sighed, glaring as Draco Malfoy slung himself into the armchair across from me. He smirked, glancing over the roll of parchment nearest him. "You're not still on this are you?"  "Bugger off, Draco," I growled, snatching it back. "I'm not in the mood." Usually, we'd start the morning off with a bit of a banter, but I was too exhausted, let alone frustrated, to give it a go.  "Now, now, love. That's no way to greet your fellow Slytherin," he chided, his trademark sneer plastered across his face. But, when it became clear that I was not going to respond, he continued. "Pity, even Crabbe and Goyle finished before you."  I narrowed my eyes. "Well, Malfoy, last I remember, neither you, Crabbe, nor Goyle are taking Advanced Arithmancy, Magical Theory, Ancient Runes, and Alchemy, on top of your regular course work, now are you?" I seethed, finishing my essay with a rather angry flourish before stuffing the rolls of parchment unceremoniously into my bag. The ink had been charmed to dry quickly, so I wasn't too worried that anything would smear.  Draco simply smirked, kicking his feet up onto the table. "Careful now, you're starting to sound like that mudblood, Granger." I stiffened, fixing him with a heated glare. For a moment, he seemed to cower back against his seat. I turned my attention to his gleaming blonde hair, which had begun to turn rather blue at the ends. I willed the color further up—it would serve him right.  "That mudblood," I snarled, standing up, "is my friend. Of course, I understand if that's a rather novel concept for you, given that the closest thing you have to one is that dreadful bottle of gel you keep in your bathroom closet. Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I shoved past him, turning over his chair with a flick of my wand as I strode out the common room entrance.

Breakfast was quite uneventful. That is, until Draco Malfoy strode into the Great Hall with bright blue hair.  "(Y/L/N)!" He bellowed, storming down the length of the Slytherin table. Pansy and I smirked, purposely having sat at the end farthest from the doors. "(Y/N), I'm warning you! You fix this. You fix this right now!"  Blaise Zabini groaned, eyeing the approaching boy wearily. "(Y/N)...what did you do?"  I shrugged, dabbing politely at the corners of my mouth with a napkin, before placing it back on my lap. "Now, now Malfoy," I began, looking up at him innocently. "There's no need to make a scene."  And that he was. His entrance had caused quite a stir, and many students (mostly Gryffindors) had begun pointing and laughing. Even a few of the professors had attempted to hide their chuckles behind half eaten slices of toast.  "Yes, Draco," Pansy simpered, winking at me. "Why don't you sit down and tell us. Whatever is the matter?" She patted the empty space between us invitingly.  "W-wha-what's the matter?" Malfoy spluttered. "My. Hair. My hair is blue. Blue! It's bloody blue!"  "I'm quite sure blood is red, mate," Blaise chimed in. Pansy grinned wolfishly, shooting her boyfriend an adoring look. Zabini went quite pink at this.  I snickered. "C'mon, Draco. It's only hair."  "Only hair? Only hair? You wait, (Y/L/N). I'll show you only hair," he snarled, pointing his wand at me. A strange, tingling sensation began to spread down my scalp and I stiffened. He was not! But the shocked look on Pansy's face told me that he definitely was.  Shocked, I reached up to touch my hair, taking a few locks between my fingers. My hair was pink! Raging, bubble gum pink. I studied the strands with disinterest before returning my attention to my breakfast. The blonde—no, blue-haired—boy  behind me was breathing quite heavily, and looked as though someone had just punched him between the eyes.  "Thanks, by the way," I said, washing down my breakfast with a swallow of pumpkin juice before turning to face him completely. "I've been so indecisive with my hair lately. I think this color suits me, don't you?" I smiled sweetly, watching as he stalked back out of the Great Hall. He looked so upset I almost felt bad. Almost.

I didn't see Malfoy for the rest of the day. He hadn't gone to any of our classes, and he'd gotten Blaise to hand in his Potions essay for him. Supposedly, he'd locked himself in the bathroom, and had refused to come out until his hair had gone back to normal. Evidently, it hadn't.  In fact, it wasn't until Quidditch practice that I caught a glimpse of him. Unsurprisingly, his hair was still blue. However, instead of cursing me, he simply ignored me. At this point, I felt quite awful. Slytherins were supposed to stick together. The rest of the school was against us, it wouldn't do for us to turn on each other. I'd just been so angry...and rightfully so.  Quidditch practice ground to a halt as the skies opened, torrents of water raining down upon us. Merlin, it was freezing. We hurried to the lockers, and, being the only girl on the team, I parted ways with the rest of my team members upon reaching the door. Showering quickly, I hurried back outside to wait for the boys. 

One by one they emerged, Draco striding out last. He continued to ignore me rather pointedly, stopping only when I caught the sleeve of his robe. "Malfoy..." I trailed off. The look he'd given me was so cold, it main the rain on my face feel warm. "Draco, c'mon. I'm sorry." Glaring, he shrugged me off, leaving me in the cold.

I couldn't sleep. For Salazar's sake, it was only hair! I hadn't slept at all the night before, thanks to that bloody Potions assignment, and now Draco bleeding Malfoy was keeping me from another night's rest.  Frustrated, I flung back the covers, making my way down the dormitory stairs and into the common room. Moonlight slanted through the windows, catching in a boy's.. bright blue hair. Draco was sitting alone on the couch before the fire, tossing a golden snitch idly at the ceiling.  "Draco..." The boy stiffened, turning to glare at me.  "What do you want, (Y/L/N)?" he demanded, rather harshly. I sighed, if he was using my surname then he was still pissed.  "I'll change your hair back." His gaze didn't soften, but he turned it from me in what I assumed meant I could carry on.  "I...I'll have to touch you," I said quietly, blushing when he turned with his brow raised. "I-I must have done the spell non-verbally. I don't know what spell it is exactly, so there's no point trying to find the counter curse." Malfoy simply huffed. I rolled my eyes. "Big baby," I muttered under my breath.  Standing behind him, I carefully placed my hands in his hair, willing the color to turn back to its normal silvery blonde. Slowing, the color began to seep back from the roots and tips, the blue drawing towards my fingertips before disappearing completely.

My hands lingered slightly. Without gel, is hair was so...soft. Silently, I conjured a mirror, placing it in his hand before taking a seat on the far end of the couch.  Silence stretched between us. Though we'd sat in silence before, it was awkward this time, and I found it unbearable. I toyed with the cushions on the couch, wishing that I'd thought to bring a blanket.  Noticing that I'd begun to shiver, Draco rolled his eyes. "Come here."  He threw his blanket back, and patted the space next to him before pulling it over the both of us. For a moment, no one spoke. The lack of sleep was beginning to take its toll, and I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to keep it at bay.  "I'm sorry about this morning," I mumbled finally, struggling to stay awake. "I shouldn't have been so short with you."  "Well, if you'd had let me finish, I was going to let you look over mine." His words were slightly marred by the yawn that fell from his lips and rustled my hair. He slung his arm sleepily about me, holding me close. My heart stuttered furiously in my chest.  "I'm sorry," I apologized guiltily.  "S' okay," he mumbled. "But you'll have to make it up to me."  "How?"  "Hogsmeade, next weekend?" he asked nervously. I nodded, turning slightly into his chest.  "I thought you'd never ask," I yawned. He placed a quick kiss on the top of my head, before turning my face upwards and capturing my lips with his.  The kiss was soft and sweet. He nipped playfully at my bottom lip before releasing it from his teeth. He smelled like mint and the taste of promise lay heavily on my tongue.  "Pink suits you," he said quietly, studying the streak I had left in my hair. I'd taken out the rest of the color before bed. "But I think I like this better." He tapped the strands carefully with the tip of his wand, turning the pink strands a brilliant shade of blue. I rolled my eyes, snuggling farther into his embrace.

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