Part 4 drarry

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Draco Malfoy was supposed to smart, he aced his owls and was right on the way of acing his newts too.  So Harry supposed it wouldn't take long for Draco to notice that Harry was hitting on him. But that turned out to be the complete opposite.

Sitting down next to Draco (who he had become friends with after getting drunk one night and talking about the past) Harry made sure to press his thigh closer than was really necessary, right beside Dracos. That should have been the first sign, but Draco was busy buried in a book and seemed to take no notice.  Okay so let's go for a little less subtlety this time Harry thought the next morning when he sat beside Draco the next morning.  "Hi"  "Hey" Draco replied absentmindedly.  "So i was thinking..." Harry started.  "Uh-huh" Draco prompted, looking up at Harry now.  "So I thought Beautiful started with a B but it actually starts with U" Harry said, not backing down from Dracos intense eyes.  There was a silence.  Then Draco looked confused. Then he said very slowly. "Ueutiful? Potter that's not how you spell Beautiful honestly do you have no brain cells?"  Well that did not go to plan at all. 

Okay maybe he just needed to try with something even less subtlety, something plain obvious.  "So Draco" Harry greeted, sitting down next to Draco in the library.  "Yes Potter"  "You know you can't spell boyfriends without you and me" Harry said and then held his breath. If Draco didn't get this he was going to headbutt a wall.  Draco looked at Harry like he had spat on his first born son.  "Potter what is wrong with you, there is clearly no way that is right. That complete and utter rubbish. There's no U or m in it. It doesn't even directly spell like that." Draco scoffed and returned to his book. 

Okay this one simply had to work, and if it didn't Harry may as well just go ahead and kiss Draco to make it clear.  "So Draco, doing anything right now?" Harry asked casually at breakfast.  By now the whole group knew Harry's plan and had bet on the number of days it took Draco to notice.  "Eating breakfast, why" Draco asked, swallowing some Pumpkin juice.  "Do you want to go out with me?" Harry asked, and the table went quiet.  Draco looked out the window.  "But...It's raining Potter we really shouldn't go outside I'll get my hair wet"  Harry blinked in disbelief and then threw his hands up in the air and left the great hall.  "Wait Harry if you want to go outside so badly we can go tommorow!!!" 

Okay maybe a physical approach would be better Harry thought. So there they were walking down the corridor talking aimlessly about quidditch when Harry all but grabs Draco hand and holds it.  Draco looked down on it and gave Harry a questioning look before saying  "Suppose you're cold, it does get cold down in the dungeons"  Then continued to walk to class swinging their hands together. 

Maybe something even more obvious, if that can even be achieved at this point. Ron had told him a gentle nudge is often a good tactic.  So walking around the lake Harry nudged Draco gently on the shoulder when he said something funny.  But Draco didn't seem to notice a bit.  So when Draco said another joke later on Harry gently slapped (affectionately because apparently that was a thing) Dracos arm.  To witch Draco responded with  "Is there a bug on my robes?? We're going inside now Potter!" 

"Hey Draco"  "Mmhmm"  "If I was a calender I'd write a date in for you" Harry said, head high.  "June the 5th" Draco said not looking up.  "What?"  "My brithday June the 5th write that in"  Harry stated at Draco and then sighed deeply. 

"Just be rough, push him up against a wall and kiss him" Dean suggested.  But that seemed a bit vulgar or if anything Harry wasn't sure he could pull it off but he didn't have many other ideas.  "Get right into his personal space, like full on sit on him, you can do it" Ginny suggested later on. Okay maybe that's doable. 

So it was evening in the shared common room and Harry was going to set his plan into action. He walked into the room and saw Draco sitting down on one of the sofas. There was a clear space beside Draco but Harry decided the best way to go about this was by sitting on his lap. Which was a little strange he wasn't going to lie.  So Harry did just that, he sat on Dracos legs so he was sitting sideways,   his legs resting on the adjacent seat.  Draco stilled, he slowly put down his book and gave his famous eyebrow raise.  "What are you doing Potter" he asked sounding amused.  "Not much, what you doing?" Harry said trying to keep his cool, he leaning towards Draco and putting his hand behind his for support.  Draco was still giving him the look. The look of why are you like this.  Shaking his head Draco sighed and went back to his book.  After a few minutes when Harry was pretty sure he was regretting this discision, he felt an arm sneak around his back and then there was a hand curling around his waist to hold him securely.  Harry's heart lept in his chest and he saw Ginny giving a thumbs up from across the room. Well this seemed to work.  After a while though Harry started to feel tired, Draco kept on saying to wait till he finished the next chapter. Yawning Harry curled into Draco, his head pillowing on Dracos shoulder, his lips dangerously close to Dracos neck.  What Harry didn't see was the small smile Draco gave and the realisation that if Harry wasn't carefully then his neck would...well not that Draco was adverse to that it was just his neck was very sensitive. So even the soft breathing of Harry's breath was driving him insane and making him feel the anticipation of Harry kissing his neck.  "Areyounearlydone" Harry mumbled, Draco shivered as Harry said this with his lips barely brushing his neck.  "Y..yeah, let's go"  Harry however didn't seem to want to move so Draco dropped his book, gathered Harry's legs under one arm and secured his other arm around his lower back.  "You lazy git" Draco muttered.  Harry just hung on to Dracos neck and huffed tiredly.  When Draco finally make it up the stairs he was exhausted, this carrying people business was tiring. He dropped Harry off into his bed then went off to his own dorm. And definetly didn't look at Harry looking soft and sleepy with his head turned to the side and legs curled up. 

What Draco didn't know was Harry was just pretending and Immediately beamed when he realised his plan was working.  "So Harry care to explain what that was last night" Draco asked Harry, courning him in a corner of the library.  " was just..." Harry looked frantically around for inspiration. "Just tired?" Harry finished, making it sound like a question.  Draco gave him a look saying 'do you really think I'm that stupid?'  "Well nothing else worked!" Harry blurted out, then clapped a hand over his mouth.  "What do you mean nothing else worked?" Draco asked, making intense eye contact with Harry.  "I..."Harry faltered, his cheeks heating up. This was a lot harder than he thought. "I have to go, my...chicken needs cleaning" Harry said quickly and then ducked under Draco and fled.  "You don't even have a chicken...oh potter" 

Harry avoided Draco the rest of the day, it wasn't until he came purposely came late to dinner and Draco was waiting for him just outside the doors.  Harry nearly turned the opposite direction but he was really hungry. He couldn't sneak past Draco because Draco was making the 'I am a businness man' look. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and he took steps forward to meet Harry who was trying to see a way out of this.  Harry looked behind him, down the corridor he just came from.  "Oh no you don't" Draco said menacingly and stepped forward so he was holding Harry's wrists.  Harry looked down and then back up. Gulping he tried a nervous smile.  "What's going on with you Potter" Draco asked.  "I...thinkyourereallycute" Harry said quietly.  "I can't hear you, say it again" Draco said, moving closer.  Harry cringed and tried again. "I think you're reallycute?"  "Wait sitting on me last night was you trying to hint at me?" Draco asked sounding bemused.  Harry nodded embarrassed.  "Merlin Harry you should have just told me, I thought you were just being wierd"  Harry laughed slightly but didn't look up. Releasing Harry's wrists, Draco tilted Harry's head up.  "You know what Potter I think you're really cute as well. I'd love you go on a date with you"  Harry beamed. "I would like that very much Draco"

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