Chapter 2

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*Nash’s P.O.V*


Its been two years scents Jade and Stella hung out and i’m starting college in 4 weeks and i still like Stella but i can't tell her how i feel because she’s going around the world traveling with her boyfriend Harry Styles from One Direction.

“Nash come on you're gonna be late for work” i can hear Jade yell from her room.

“Okay im coming” i walked out of my room and to see Jade standing there with a letter from someone i don't care who.

“Nash its from Stella she got us tickets to the show”

“What how did she know where we lived because we moved like 1 year ago”

“I don't know and i don't care i get to see Stella my best friend again” she started to jump up and down and i walked out to my Jeep and i got in and i drove to work. I walked in to see Stella at the front counter getting food and i can see Harry at the table.

“Hello im Nash what can i get you today?” i asked Stella.

“Nash is that you wow” Stella looked at me.

“Hey Stella long time no see how are you?”

“I’m good and what about you”

“Im great im going to college in four weeks and i can't wait”

“Wow so hey did you guys get the tickets i sent you”

“Yeah we did but how did you know where we lived because we like moved about a year ago”

“Stella come on we have to go” Harry called to Stella and she walked out of the restaurant.

“Nice to see you Stella” i say to myself. I can see my boos so i pertend im working on something and he came over.
“Hey Nash how have you been today”

“Good and you” i asked him with a fake smile.

“Im great i can't wait to see my new pet”

“You got a pet what kind is it”

“Its a wolf i can't wait to see what color it is i hope its white” i just looked at the front door to see a big crate that says Live Animal on it so my boss walked over to the man.

“Are you John Stevenson”

“Yes i am”

“Here’s you're wolf” my boss signed for the crate and he opened it slowly to see a white wolf with black on the tip of the tail.

“GRRRRRR!” the wolf growled at him and ran out of the box over to me and it sat.

“Hey you are my pet not his”


“Okay you can be his pet” the wolfed looked right at me and i know those eyes anywhere they were Stella’s.

*Stella’s P.O.V*


I growled at the man who bought me for 5 dollars and i don't like the way he smells so i ran out of the box and ran over to Nash.

“What is her name” Nash asked his boss.

“It saids here her name is Stella Wolf”

“Cool” Nash looked at me and smiled i wonder how i can stay human and be with him.

“Come on Stella lets get you to my house well it will be yours and my sisters” i walked with him to his car and i got in and he got in “Stella you have some explaining to do when we get home” i look at home then out the window he rolled down the window a little bit I stuck my snout out “Stella how long have you been like this” i can't talk i have to be in human form Nash i thought to myself “Stella talk to me”

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