Chapter 3: Next to UA

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Okay so the pic above is Sora's hero outfit from the original story line I had for her. Just so you know.

No One's POV

Aizawa sat on a stool in Recovery Girl's office, staring into space as his mind wandered to last night. His shirt was laying on the bed next him as he was getting a new layer of gauze put around his torso.

Last night he had stumbled back to UA empty handed, and into Recovery Girls office right before fainting. He had lost too much blood.

The wound that he had judged to not be that deep turned out to be deeper than he thought. But on the bright side, it didn't hit anything important.

Recovery Girl had patched him up and now he was getting new wrapping (it's wrapping not rapping you bafoons) put on. She looked up at him sadly, "What in the world happened?!"

"The Vigilante I've been chasing," Aizawa says listlessly. She stood back, shocked. Then took a second before replying.

"They could've killed you! You have to be more careful!" She finally said sternly, worry etching her words.

"Ya, but the way he shot me, it was almost intentional," he said as he carefully put his shirt back on, seeing she was done rewrapping his wound.

"What exactly do you mean?"

Aizawa put a hand his face in thought, right on his chin, "Well earlier I looked over photos of the criminals he had caught. They all have cuts like this, along with major bruises. Some have stab wounds in places that are non fatal, almost as if he was trying to not kill anyone," he said looking down at the ground.

"You knew this when you went after them, didn't you" she asked even though she already knew the answer.

"Yeah but I didn't think he'd shoot me, just hand to hand combat. I certainly wasn't expecting this," He said as he gestured to his side.

She huffed in disappointment.

But what I also wasn't expecting was him to be young, he looked be a kid. No older than 17. What would make a kid so angry that he'd want to break the law? He knows he's not getting anything out of this, right? Whats the point? Where's the motive?, Shota thinks to himself as he gets up and thanks Recovery Girl.

He walks out of her office into the plain white halls, and takes a left. He's going to Nezu's office, and he's going to talk to him about his thoughts.

Sora's POV


I got to the abandoned apartment complex and took a breather. I had sprinted all the way back, I must've looked like a god damn idiot.

After regaining my breath, I began to scale the side of the building in the alleyway, climbing into a 4 story window. The room was dark.

The room had a low ceiling and by the window when she looked to the side, there was a wardrobe and a vanity to her right and training equipment to her left. There were two queen sized mattresses laying next to each other in the far side of the room in the corner with blankets and pillows messed up. Right in between them was a small nightstand with a tiny lamp on it's embroidered wood. Next to the lamp we're small items that couldn't be made out in the dark. Next to one of the mattresses was a guitar and other old rusty looking instruments.

There was a closet in the other far corner of the room that had clothes neatly hung on the hangers. The door to the room was by the small hallway that led to a tiny kitchen.

There was another door in the hallway that was another bedroom, but Nowane and I had decided to share a room so it was full of storage and also served as a hiding place because of the crap that could be used as cover in case we were found out or if police came knocking.

I took my bag off and placed it by the window and began to step further into our dark apartment.

As I walked into the kitchen, I opened the mini fridge on the counter. We couldn't afford to buy water bills or any other kind of bills because that would risk our discovery. So the mini fridge was battery powered, we were actually pretty well of financially believe it or not. Some people pay for enemies to be caught by police and others pay for lost ones to be found.

I opened the fridge and pulled out a soda. I was still soar from running basically a marathon around the city.

Just as I walked back into her bedroom, a knife whipped past my face and stuck to the wall next to me.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! WE AGREED YOUD BE BACK BEFORE 4:30!" Nowane yelled as she stood in the middle of room, the battery powered lamp now on. She was wearing a black tank top and black leggings with a white hoodie tied around her small waist.

"Got held up, sorry," I said nonchalantly as she didn't just have a knife thrown at me. It was a common occurrence and I did it to her too.

"Unbelievable," Nowane said as she rolled her aqua blue eyes.

"Cmon, you know how Eraserhead is! He's persistent, and I think he's closing in on us!" I said as I looked at her defensively.

Her eyes widened.

"What makes you say that?" She asked as I pulled out the knife from the wall.

"He's getting closer to us, I was able to lead him away from the apartment but I think he's getting closer. He's been able to find both of us out on the job in the last 4 weeks," I explained as I put the knife in her open hand.

I walked over to the vanity and sat down, working on getting the concealer off the scar on my cheek. I didn't take off my other makeup, just the concealer. The scar was a result of my dear dad, he shot at me when I was little but thankfully it only grazed the side of my face. The result of a failed 'robbery'.

He was a villain, my mom was a hero. He killed her and my older sister, I managed to get away.

He was caught by 'police' later, and the cops never found me. I lived off the streets and in libraries until I decided that I was going to fix this place myself, I trained and trained and went out and began my 'city cleaning'.

That was when I met Nowane, back when I was about 12. We were the same age and had similar goals: to prove you don't need money to be a hero, and that even people who weren't hero's could do the right thing.

"Well then, I guess it's time to move base," Nowane exclaimed, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You say that like its easy, Roy," I said as I looked back at her. Dropping the towel I was holding onto the vanity desk.

"Cmon Sky! If you can dream it you can do it," She said as she walked over the wardrobe and pulled out a laptop. I never understood why she was so into hacking when her quirk was about water. I never asked though.

She walked over to her bed and opened it, I walked over and sat next to her. I watched as she began searching for other abandoned apartments or houses that we could move to.

Soon, she pinpointed a spot that was a ways off and I pursed my lips as my brow furrowed.

Nowane saw this and gave me a gentle smile, she knew I always hated changes. "It'll be fine Sky, the place we're moving is somewhere they'll never expect us to be. I know big changes make you uneasy but just give it a shot," she said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Wait why? It's far away ya, but where exactly is it?" I asked as she got up and put the computer back and I got in the other bed.

"It's close to UA," she said as she turned the lamp off. The room now enveloped in darkness and the city sounds outside.

Hello my friends! This took a long time to do, because the friend who wanted me to write this took forever to write her OC's personality and I couldn't exactly write about Nowane if I didn't know her. Anyway in case anyone is confused, Sky is Sora's nickname and Roy is Nowane's.
I'll see you later my friends!

(1462 words)

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