Chapter 9: A mysterious Box

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Hizashi's POV

I knew that the two vigilantes were worrying Shota, even though he tries to hide it. As much as kids annoy him, he was still worried about the two teens that were running around on the streets unprotected. And the fact that we knew they probably didn't have a good guardian of any at all wasn't helping. I think the reason he was so surprised that Nezu was going to invite them to UA was because he wouldn't expect it from the principal of the most prestigious hero school in the world.

I was worried too if I'm being honest. They were so young and something must have happened to make them resort to vigilantism. And them being out there when something can happen to them, they might get hurt.

And when Nezu explained that when we caught them they would be given a chance to join to school, given they stop going out illegally, made me ecstatic.

I would love the chance to meet them and teach them how to be real heroes.

I was currently on patrol in Masutafu, looking around and scouting the streets. I look into an alleyway and come across a man who's wrists were tied with zip-ties behind his back.

(not the same guy from last chapter. this is a different criminal)

He looked scruffy and had a stern face. I took a closer look and saw that he was unconscious. I picked him up and he woke, startled.

"Hey, what happened," I asked.

He looked me in the eyes and glared, he knew I was a hero. The look he gave me didn't help him, it just made scream 'I did something wrong'. I searched his person and found a thumb-drive in his pocket.

The man looked angry when I put my hands in his pockets, but when I pulled out the thumb-drive he looked confused.

"What is this?" I asked him sternly.

He shrugged and continued to glare at me. After I took a closer look at the thumb-drive I saw the words 'To Nezu from Droplet's partner' written on the side.

My eyes widened at that. I pocketed the drive and picked the man up, interrogating him as I took him the the police department.

3rd POV

Hizashi dropped the criminal off at the police office and stuck around long enough to find out that the man was being suspected for murdering his wife and kid and the police weren't able to find him, until now.

He didn't think much of it as he walked out of the police station and started heading to UA, the most troubling thing on his mind was the drive.

Hizashi examined it closely while walking. The label was written in black sharpie and the drive itself was a light blue color. It was about the same length as his finger. It made him curious wondering what was on it, but it was addressed to Nezu so he couldn't go through it yet.

He made it to UA and walked up the stairs to Nezu's office. Hizashi was somewhat in a hurry and people were giving him looks in the hallway as pushed through them to get there quicker. Once he made it to the door to his office he took a deep breath and knocked.

After a second, there was a voice.

"Come in"

Sora's POV (time skip)

I woke up shaking from another nightmare, and in the process, fell out of my sorry excuse of a bed and onto the floor. Tears were streaming like waterfalls down my face and my body was wracked with shaking sobs.

My vision started growing hazy as I curled up in a ball on the floor, whimpering.

My mind flashed back and a familiar gun shot rang through my ears.

3 Shots

Then to the many days spent alone without food, the trauma from my childhood, and the words inside my head. I reached up and grabbed onto my hair, begging for it to stop.

"S-Seiza, M-Mom, R-Roy! Roy!" I cried to myself, hoping someone would help. Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around me and pull me closer. I find myself being held closely to someone's chest as they rub my back and shoulder, whispering comforting words into my ears.

I sat there shaking and sobbing for another half hour before my heart calmed down and wasn't beating in my ears anymore, and my breathing became more steady. My vision returned to me and I look up to see Nowane holding me in her lap, hugging me.

She looked down to see that I've calmed down and smiled softly at me.

"Hey, you ok?" Nowane asked as she stared into my glazed eyes.

I hesitatingly nodded and she helps me up. I stumbled a bit but regained my balance, "Sorry..."

Nowane pulled me in a hug and rubbed my back, "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong"

I embraced her back and thanked her. After pulling away I wiped the tear stains from my cheeks, "We both smell really bad," I said jokingly, trying to lighten up the mood.

Nowane smiled and said, "Yeah, when was last time you showered?"

I look down trying to think. She noticed and laughed, "Wow, you can't even remember!"

I blushed in embarrassment and looked away, "Well in case you haven't noticed, we've both been really busy! Plus, I don't have time to think about that with that fucking Scarfs guy on my tail. He has it in for me, I swear. He was tailing me out of a supermarket, covered in bandages. Weren't you able to hack UA's server again? Didn't we find out Nezu and Scarfs are upping the search for us?"

"Yeah, It's getting easier to hack in undetected," She replied but then looked down in thought, "Though I still have to be careful to leave all the files like I found them or they'll catch on that someone is getting in. They can't track my signal but still, it's dangerous. And the fact that they did say they were increasing the search for us, but they have no idea that we know that," She thought out loud, "I hacked the police files too, they still don't know what to call you yet. How did you even come up with that name anyway? Was it because you switched to black smoke bombs or something else?" She said the last part with a smirk.

I hummed a reply then went to grabbed one of the hoodies, as well as some other stuff in my backpack, "By the way, thanks for helping me with that thumb drive." I said, ignoring her questions as I grabbed a small box from a drawer and put it in my bag carefully.

(hmmmm....? mysterious.... i'm sorry)

"No problem, it was a pain to compile all the information you found but it was fun in the end," Nowane said as she smiled knowing I avoided her question, "where are you going?"

"Well the Sports Festival is today. The sun hasn't come up yet and you said I needed a shower. So Ima go to the gym and shower there, make a quick stop, then come back and we can go"

"What about soap?"

"They provide it for you don't you remember?"

She blushed in embarrassment.

I smirked mockingly and said slowly, "When was the last time you took a shower?"

Nowane glared at me, and then proceeded to walk out of the room, without saying a word as I started laughing.

Hmmmm.... I wonder what the box is....
Nezu will open the flash drive after some frustration next chapter
Sports festival will happen next chapter too but I'm not going to make more than three chapters about it cuz i want the story to move along
Anyway, thanks for reading!

(1317 words)

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