Chapter 34: Hideout

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No one's POV

Aizawa's heart was hammering in his chest loudly as he ran. The adrenaline starting to kick into his system. Nezu was hitching a ride on Sekijiro's shoulder, and despite her size, Shuzenji was in front of them all, running the quickest to the infirmary with such vigor and speed that Aizawa found it hard to keep up.

He couldn't lose her. If they lost Sora then it would be like failing Kali all over again.

"Goddamnit! Why is the infirmary so far away from the meeting room?!" He thought as their steps echoed loudly in the hallway.

He knew the others were thinking the same thing as him, he didn't need to see the looks on their faces.

After what seemed like forever, they arrived at the nurses office. Aizawa threw open the sliding door and what he saw almost made his heart stop.

The heart monitor was going ballistic and was ringing loudly. Seeing that the connection had been cut off. The sheets on the bed were messed up and the occupant of said bed wasn't there. The teachers rushed into the room and saw past the bed.

Sora was on the floor by the window in the fetal position, looking as if someone had kicked her with her legs tucked to her chest. She had her hands over her ears, had fingers ruffling up her hair, making it messy. She was panting and her breathes were getting shorter and shorter each inhale. She was hyperventilating.

Her eyes were wide and full of terror and tears, looking past them at something that couldn't be seen. She shook like a leaf in a wind storm.

She was silently muttering as tears flooded down her cheeks. "Hurt.... pain... make it stop."

Her voice was raspy and he could tell she must've had some vocal damage.

They couldn't move.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, an arrow appeared in the girl's hand. A sharp one.

Quicker than he could think, Sora had the arrow on her skin and raised it up to make a blow onto her arm.

Aizawa rushed forward, his quirk activated, and the arrow disappeared. He slid to the floor in front of her and grabbed her arms in his hands and held them firmly, but gently.

The fear in her eyes seemed to increase as she thrashed around like a savage animal. Her hair fell over her eyes messily and she shook violently. Tears cascaded down faster as she fought him.

He didn't think she could see him at all.

He pulled Sora into a tight hug, trying to anchor her and calm her down. "Shhhh, It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

Sobs racked the poor girl's body but she stopped struggling. She just cried onto his shoulder with her bandaged arms falling to her sides.

Nezu waddled up to them and hugged her as well. It was about an hour later that the sobs stopped and the girl went limp, Aizawa pulled away slightly to see her asleep.

"What did she see?" Nezu thought out loud.

"Whatever it was, it wasn't nice," Aizawa sighed.

He got up and turned around, holding Sora like a toddler with her head rested peacefully on his shoulders. She was certainly short enough. Shuzenji had fixed the bedsheets and pulled them open for Aizawa to tuck her back in.

"She ripped out the IVs and monitors. That was why the devise went off. She must've woken up startled and gone into a panic. She was hyperventilating too, meaning it must have been a full blown panic attack," The nurse explained. "I'm going to have to wipe the blood off her arms."

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