Chapter 37: Venting

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Nezu's POV

Several days past and it was near the end of the week.

I didn't know what exactly I should do. Little Sora looked like she was trapped in her mind, deep in thought. She also seemed very unnerved and anxious. Recovery Girl had taken off the breathing mask after a day of her silently complaining about it but now she was just still.

Occasionally she'd reach up and fidget with the necklace that Nowane had brought her during her last visit. Curious.

She still couldn't speak but Recovery Girl was trying to get small vowels from her, her throat still needed time to heal but was getting better, but I doubted she'd want to speak to us.

I thought I should bring her some tea. Maybe that would calm her down and ease her nerves. As I was getting the mugs from the drawer at my desk I had an idea.

I made the drinks and walked down the hallway to the infirmary.

When I opened the door, there she was. Little Sora sat up in the bed, looking out the window that was in the other direction away from me. Sunlight poured into the room through the open blinds, making her short down hair come off as a more reddish color. Her hands were folded neatly in her lap and she was fidgeting with her index finger. Bandages covered her arms up to her shoulders but she didn't seem to mind it.

She looked over at me and I once again saw the grey eyes that belonged to my friend. Except they were now dull and sad.

Little Sora eyed the mugs in my paws as I made my way over to her bedside. Offering it to her, she took it in her bandaged hands and looked into it. I thought I saw surprise flicker in her eyes but it was quickly gone.

Hot chocolate with cinnamon sprinkled in. Her mother always went crazy for it. I know the favorite beverages of all my staff in case there was a meeting in my office. Kali always put so much cinnamon in her drink.

She relaxed a bit more after taking a reluctant sip of the hot chocolate, but remained silent. There was a distant look in her eyes like she was reliving her past and her face set in a neutral expression, hiding any emotions that she might be feeling. It felt like the walls that had broken during our late night talks was rebuilt.

She didn't trust me anymore.

I could tell from when Nowane visited and given her the necklace that she didn't trust her friend's kindness either. Something had broken when she was with the League. A part of her that had been taken and replaced apathy.

It made me sad.

It showed most when Recovery Girl was trying to coax her into speech. She would stare at her. Not at her but through her like she was a ghost.

The music that would change the colors of the world for just a few small seconds, the same sounds that would make it seem like the whole world had stopped and turned right, the beautiful melody of a guitar being struck, felt gone. She didn't want to talk.

Hopefully, with time and patience, she'd get better.

I would hold off the mental health exam for an actual phycologist. Nowane has taken hers and tested 100% positive for extreme Anxiety and OCD. She had a compulsion to always know where things were, including little Sora, and didn't seem to trust herself outside of her Droplet persona.

Overall it wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be. She'd still need therapy, though.

Little Sora was going to be going with Aizawa the next day and Aizawa seemed indifferent about it. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was impatient.

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