Chapter 33: Ringing

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(Mentions of a Panic Attack and Self Harm)

No one's POV

The hero and the vigilante talked about the deal. While she had said that she would wait to talk it through with Sora, she was already planning on saying yes.

Who could say no? Free food, free housing, free clothes, and free education? It sounded like a dream come true. She wasn't sure if there was some ulterior motive that she was missing, she wasn't as good at reading people as Sora was, that was Sora's specifically.

Nowane let herself reminisce while she sat there in the comfy office couch with a blanket on her side. It was late by then, and seeing how she was apparently going to be staying here after the dorms are built, Nezu offered her a place on his couch.

She remembered all the stories Sora would share when she came back from an infiltration mission or came back from a long exasperating patrol. Her friend was so gifted in reading body language and finding hidden meanings in what people said and did.

The way she was so accurate with a bow that all archers in time would envy her. Nowane let a small smile come to her face. Times that she and Sora would go out together on missions that would require them both and Sora would end up dragging her by the wrist.

She missed it.

She missed Sora.

Nowane guessed that she should probably sleep. Sora would hopefully wake up soon and she wanted to be well rested for that.


"Are they going to have their own dorm? Or are they going to have one at Heights Alliance along with the other UA students?" Snipe asked.

The air in the meeting room was dry, no humidity left from spring as the hot dry summer air crept around the building of UA. Bakugo has been released from the hospital after a day or two ago, seeing as he didn't have any injuries except for his fueling anger that seemed to have swelled in time away.

Sora was still asleep a day later and Nezu was sure she'd be asleep for a little longer so he called a meeting with all of UA's staff to ask their opinion on certain matters. Shuzenji was also there, to explain the extent of Sora's injuries to the rest of the staff and give her say on when she thought the girl would wake up.

She had a device in her pocket that was connected to the heart monitor on Sora so if anything went wrong she would know.

Nowane was also still asleep in Nezu's office after he got back and he decided to let her rest.

After their talk, the girl had seemingly warmed up to him a bit and took off her mask, revealing a gentle fair face of slightly dark toned skin. He didn't notice until then how blue her eyes were until the mask was off. They were almost just as blue as Toshinori's. She said she no longer saw the need to hide her her face and when Nezu asked for her name all she said was, "You can just call me Nowane."

It didn't sound like a japanese name but she didn't look that japanese either so he didn't think too much about it.

Just like Nowane said, the officer and hero sent back to recheck the area of the camp found a white van the was parked half a mile away. (Little Sora must've done a lot of walking!) They also found supplies in the back of the truck. They searched the area around the lodge and found a dirty grey backpack strung up in a tree next to an equally dirty fabric ukulele case. The ukulele was fine despite the minor water damage. The police looked through the backpack and truck, finding a fake ID that was used to rent the truck.

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