Chapter 28: Pathetic?

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(Mild torture warning)

No ones POV

(An hour prior)

Nezu received and emergency backup request from Vlad King. He immediately sent reinforcements to the camp and waited anxiously for news.

He went back over to his computer and found messages from Droplet sent just a minute ago.

"Nezu what's going on over there?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Answer me, I know you're still in your office!"

"What happened at the training camp?!"

"Kuro won't answer me! Her receiver is giving me static!"

"Nezu I swear to god!"

"I can't hack back into the Leagues database, they're shutting me out and I can't find a shortcut!"

This was bad.

Droplet couldn't get into contact with her partner and she just confirmed Kuro was at the camp. Nezu prayed to every god he knew that his students were safe and that no one was harmed.

He sat back down, usual smile gone, and typed back.

"Are you sure that you can't get into contact with your partner?"

The reply was almost instant, "Kuro wouldn't ever turn off her receiver in a crisis. Something happened, the last thing she told me before it went to static was that the League was attacking and that there was an unknown number of the Vanguard Action Squad. Shigaraki's little attack party and that they were after the students."

"Shit," Nezu cursed to himself.

Forty students, six pro heroes, and one vigilante all in an attack and already one of them was most likely down.

"Alright, I sent reinforcements over just a minute ago and they should arrive there soon. Kuro is smart, she'll be fine."

Droplet typed back, "I pray to every god I know that you're correct."

(Time skip)

The sky was clear with a few fluffy clouds dotting the vast blue. The halls and classrooms were empty, leaving the usual loud and cheerful school a desolate plain of despair.

Although, it wasn't quiet.

Outside, reporters and camera crews stood outside the doors of UA, demanding answers.

All the teachers sat inside at a long table in the shape of a U. The white mammalian principal sat at the head of the table with a grim expression.

Fifteen students in serious condition due to poisonous gas.

Eleven student injured.

And one student was missing.

"That training camp was meant to prepare students to handle villain attacks. The irony is shameful. We knew the League would resurface but we lacked a fundamental understanding of their plans. They aim to destroy hero society. And they've already started their war," Nezu looked down at his paws.

Midnight looked up at Nezu. "Even if we had understood, could we really have avoided this attack? They're moving pieces we didn't even know they possessed. Besides, All Might put an end to most organized crime. We're all rusty."

"We've definitely gotten complacent during peaceful times without realizing it," Mic said with weird hand gestures but a straight face, "I guess deep down all of us thought that we'd be riding the sweet life for good."

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