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Suggested by gmmw22.

Joe and dianne had been together just under 10 years. And it had been the best 10 years of their lives. After pro tour 2020, dianne stopped doing strictly and fell pregnant in the September of 2020. In June 2021, they welcomed their first daughter, Elsie rina sugg. When Elsie was a month old, joe proposed and of course dianne said yes. They got married in a grand Manor house in Wiltshire 13 months later. And then a month after that, having conceived on their wedding night dianne found out she was pregnant again but this time with twins, Henry Joseph sugg and Georgia dianne sugg. After that they said no more kids as they always planned on having three however if wasn't a shock to their families and friends when they unexpectedly found out they where expecting again, two and a half years later . This time a little boy who they named Bobby mark sugg. Having four kids was never the plan for them. They always said they wanted to get married first but Elsie came before joe even proposed. Joe wanted two kids a boy and a girl and dianne wanted three. But they ended up having four. There were two and a half years between Elsie and the twins and three and a half between the twins and Bobby which meant they had 4 kids under the age of 7. At the ages of 7, 4 and 1. At times they found it hard, especially with four of them running around but they wouldn't change it for the world, they loved them all so much.

It was a normal warm summers day in the middle of the summer holiday and dianne sat in their garden on deck chairs on the decking. It was the house she had lived In for 8 years with Joe and the kids. She watched all four of her children play in the garden underneath the bright sun. All of the kids got on so well, especially the twins. And the older three were so overprotective over one year old Bobby. Elsie, Bobby and Henry were running around after each other in circles Bobby trying to catch them up.
He had only just started walking a couple of months ago and he was getting good at it, but he did trip over a couple of times causing dianne to laugh. Georgia was sat on the grass below the decking but far away from dianne playing in the little sand pit they had placed there. Georgia had always been the quiet one but with dancing her personality shone though. Henry wasn't loud but he wasn't quiet. It depended on who he was with. Elsie was quite the character. She was interested in all things big. Loved going to the circus, and going on big rides at theme parks. She was pretty much a dare devil. And Bobby was so young and innocent but you could already tell he was going to be a strong little character. Dianne smiled watching all of her kids playing together and Georgia being independent. She had raised these kids and she was proud of how she did it as they were all perfect.

She was day dreaming when she heard steps along the decking. It was joe who was walking over to her. He had two glasses of gin and tonic in his hands and a book of some kind. when he reached dianne he handed her the gin and tonic and say down on the sun longer next to her.

"thanks, what's this?"
Dianne smiled looking down at the book joe ahd in his hand

"do you not remember. It's our wedding photo album"
He said opening it

They sat together looking through it, smiling at all the pictures. They had changed alot since then. It was six years ago and since then they had 3 kids so they had obviously changed.

"oh my god, look at how young Elsie looks. In her little pink dress"
Dianne giggled

"she loved that ay. She was little but remember she was dancing around and everything. It was adorable"
Joe replied to diannes comment.

As the reached the end of the photo album. They both looked at each other and smiled. Joe took it and placed it next to him.

"come here"
Joe said opening his arms.
Dianne got up and made her way over to him sitting on his lap and snuggling into him.
Joe kissed her softly

"I can't believe ten years ago today, we met for the first time "
He said

"I can't either. It's been the best ten years of my life. And look whats happened from it....."
Dianne smiled as they both took a look over their 4 perfect angels who were playing.

"I'm so incredibly lucky to have you. I know i don't say it much anymore but I am so incredibly lucky. If you told me ten years ago that I'd end up marrying my dance partner and having four kids with her, I'd laugh right in your face but now thinking about it. I couldn't imagine it any other way. I only wanted two kids, you wanted three but we ended up with four and I think that's better than two because look at them their perfect. But they wouldn't possible without you. You carried them for nine months, you went through hours and hours of pain to make me a dad and I'm just so greatfull to have you. I love everything about you. And I love you so much"
Joe smiled

"awww Joseph. I'm the lucky one. I wouldn't of had the kids if it wasn't for you"
Dianne said

"they're us. Elsie, Henry, Georgia and Bobby. They are us. A mixture of me and you and I love them"
Joe smiled

"your going to make me cry"
Dianne stuttered

"awwww.... Don't baby. Its just so special. We never thought we'd fall in love but here we are today"
Joe said bringing his lips closer to diannes. As their lips touched, they heard their kids shojt from being them.

"ewwwwwww. Mummy and daddy kissed"
They heard one of the twins scream. That caused them to break from it and they just laughed.

"come here, all of you"
Joe shouted softly and they all came running over.

Dianne sat on one of joes knees and Henry sat on the other. With Elsie sat next to dianne snuggling into her side. Dianne had Bobby in her lap and Georgia was sat next to joe.

Joe began

"I love every single one of you. I don't know what I'd do without any of you. Elsie, Georgia, Henry and you little Bobby. And especially you dot"
He said as they all cuddled into each other like the perfect little family they had always been

Well that was long. 1144 words. I hope you like this one

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