First fight

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Naruto (Boruto is about 2-3 years old)
You were trying to find Boruto. You played hide and seek. Naruto was home but in his office/study. You heard Boruto giggled and that's when your playful side got over yourself "Where could my little prince be. Maybe under the table... no. Maybe behind the couch... not there rather" you heard more giggled and you walked up to the closet.
You opened and Boruto runs out. You changed him and started to tickle you
"Haha, you're not getting out of this now," you said and tickled his sides, he laughed louder and Naruto walked down the stairs.

You stood up from the floor, holding Boruto in your arms.
"Hi love, how's it going?"
"Not so good, and all because of you being too noisy" he had and irritated voice and he's eyes showed anger.
"I'm sorry Naruto. Boruto and I were just playing hide and seek, right sweetie?" Boruto nodded and Naruto sighed and mumbled
"I knew I shouldn't have been with the loudest sister" you sat Boruto on the couch and gave him his stuff animal. You looked at Naruto and crossed your arms over your chest "What was that?" "You're too noisy, Hinata is quieter and calmer than you and that is what I need" you glared at him.

In your whole life, people had told you to be just like Hinata. And now your own husband saying it "Why didn't you marry her instead of me then?"
"That what I'm trying to get, why?" You took Boruto and walked past Naruto and out to the hall. You grabbed your son's jacket and shoes and put them on him.

Naruto realized what he said and tried to stop you from going. You didn't listen. You took Boruto in your arms and walked out.

It was a chill night. You and Boruto walked to the park. You sat on a bench and sat him in your lap. He looked up at you with his chubby baby cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Boruto" you hugged him.
He didn't understand what was going on, I mean his 2 years old. But he saw how sad you were and felt the sad atmosphere around you, he took his small hand to your cheek
"Mommy, sad," he said. You smiled and brushed your tears away
"(Name)?" You heard a voice behind you, Iruka.

Sasuke (Sarada is 5-6 years old)
"What did you say?" You asked
"I said your cooking skills sucks" Sasuke said, crossing he's arms. You looked down
"Sarada, go to your room, daddy and mommy need to talk alone" she saw the sadness and seriousness in your eyes. She nodded and walked to her room, giving Sasuke a death glare as she walked.

"What's wrong with my cooking?" You asked, still looking down.
"It smells like crap, the taste is not better" anger raising in you
"Well, what do you think I should do then?" He closed he's eyes and huffed
"Maybe I should have choosen Sakura instead of you, she's not a crybaby and she can cook" you stood up from your seat and looked at him
"Then go to her, why are you sitting here and eating of my disgusted food when you can have mush better if you go to her!" You yelled, he still had his eyes closed. He stood up and walked out of the house. You sat back down and started to cry silently, your head in your hands.

Sarada walked out of her room looking sad as well. You looked up from your hans and at her, you held out your arms and she run into them. You  hugged her with all the love you had for her
"I'm sorry you had to hear that sweetie" you said. She shook her head and snuggled her face further into your chest.

Kiba (G/n is only 1 year old and C/n - Cat's name)
"This is ridiculous" you sighed while trying to help a cat that had a broken paw. Kiba was trying to tell you that you should just have left it at a vet and then just left it there but you of course didn't listening on him nor agreed with what he said.
"Kiba it's a cat not a it or a thing"
"Throw that cat away!" He yelled
"It's hurt I can't just leave her!" you yelled back, something you never used to do. His eyes widen but he walked fast out. Akamaru stood beside you as D/n and C/n were in G/n's room.
"Akamaru!" Kiba yelled, the dog looked at you, you nodded and he walked out with Kiba.

Shikamaru (Shikadai is 12-13 years old)
"Shika, wake up, breakfast ready!" You yelled from the kitchen, Shikadai sat at the the table, already eating. You sighed and took a place at the table, your head in your hands
"You okay, mom?" Shikadai asked, you looked at him with a smile
"Yeah, don't worry, I'm just a little stressed that's all" he nodded and got back to eat.

Twenty minutes had past and Shikadai walked out the room to get to school. You sighed of irritation and anger
"Shika!" You yelled and opened the door. He growled and looked at you.
"What!" He yelled back.
"Wake up and help me with the dishes" you said in a calmer voice. He growled
"Do it yourself, woman" he whispered the last part but you heard
"What did you just say?!" He was quiet
"Shikamaru Nara, what did you say!" You yelled, he stood up from the bed
"I said do them yourself, woman!" It was quiet after that and he walked back to the bed but stopped when you talked
"I'm doing everything around here. I'm cleaning, making dinner, everything. Plus i'm taking care of Shikadai. You have never helped me with the houshoold so for once, just help me" Shikamaru looked back at you with a angry expression
"Clearly, your not doing a good job" your eyes widen and you felt tears streaming down. You looked down at the floor
"Fine, we'll see how long it take for you to live alone. Shikadai and I is staying at Choji's place" you said and walked out. Shikamaru laid back down on the bed. Starting to feel the guilt rise.

You never fight

Rock Lee
He's too sweet towards you so you never fight

Might Guy (G/n is 6 years old)
"Guy, please get down here we're worried" you said
"Daddy, please get down" your 6 year old daughter said. Guy were on the roof of your house sitting in he's wheelchair, how he got their, you had no idea. You and G/n yelled at him to get down and to be careful. He felt more and more anger. All he wanted was to not being useless.

In the end he gave up he got down in some magic way and (Name) started to yell at him that it was dangerous and that they were worried about him. He looked down at his lap
"I didn't choose this"
"What?" You asked, confused
"I didn't choose to get in this damn chair and you can't tell me things I can and can not do!" He yelled, your eyes widen and G/n looked scared, she hid behind you, her small hand held your big one.

"Guy please, calm down. You scaring G/n" he looked at her and calmed down a bit, he looked back  at you and started to talk about that he doesn't want to become useless and that he want to be someone that G/n looking up to. You tried to tell him that he could do that in another way that is much safer for him. But well... he didn't listen, he had started to roll away with his wheelchair. Leaving you and G/n at the house.

Kakashi (B/n is 4 years old)
"Kakashi, can you take care of B/n while I going to the store?" He nodded, not looking from his Ichi Ichi book. You walked out from the apartment and got to the store.

You got home and stood there in panic when you saw B/n standing on a chair and reaching for a knife. You dropped everything and run to him
"B/n, no!" You picked him up and hugged him. You looked at Kakashi that hadn't moved a single bone since you left
"Kakashi Hatake!" You yelled, making him jump. He looked at you with widen eyes.
"Hi (Name), when did you get here?" He asked, standing up.
"I just got here and I asked you to take care of B/n" you said angrily
"I- I did babe, calm down" he said trying to touch your cheek. You smacked it away.
"Don't touch me! You see that?!" You pointed at the knife on the counter, his eyes widen.
"If I hadn't got home by now, he could have hurt himself!" You yelled, tears in your eyes
"Babe, calm down. I'm sorry"
"Save your damn excuses! You care more about reading those damn books then your own son?!" You yelled.
"(Name), please that's not..." you didn't want to hear so you walked out the apartment with a crying B/n in your arms.

You were walking to Guy's apartment when
B/n started to cry again.
"Oh shhh, B/n it's okay we're here" you said and knocked on the door. Guy opened and let you in directly
"What happened (Name)? Your eyes are red" he said, you laid B/n down on the couch and put a blanket over him. You looked back at Guy and told him everything that happened.

You barely fight and if you do, it's just about small things.

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