Chapter Thirty

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Things were definitely uncomfortable and chaotic in the Order after that. Inadvertently Sirius had caused the other members to begin questioning alliances and become much wearier of one another. In a time when they needed to remain united, they were beginning to fall apart.

"Yeah okay I was driven by anger," Sirius admitted a week later, after he had time to calm down. They were at the Potters and he was racked with guilt over his outburst.

"It's not Remus," James insisted for probably the millionth time. "Come on mate, you know that Remus would never do that. He's our friend."

"I've thought about it over and over. He's always around when things go south, and he's working with the werewolves directly who we know are working for Voldemort. It just makes sense. It couldn't be anyone else."

"I think you're stressed a bit Sirius," Lily chimed in, trying to keep the peace.

"Of course I'm stressed!" he shouted. Harry let out a cry from his sudden volume increase and he quickly apologized. "I'm sorry Lily. I didn't mean – "

"It's alright Sirius," she replied, giving him a sad smile. Then she scooped Harry up from the ground. "I'm going to put him down for his nap now anyways." Then she removed herself from the room, Harry's tired, angry cries echoing down the hallway.

"Okay let's entertain the idea that there is a spy, and I'm not saying that it's Remus," Marlene said, shooting him a sideways look, "then it does sort of make sense that they knew where Hephias was. Clearly they were hunting for him, I think we can agree on that at the very least?"

"Yes," James said, nodding. "Yes I think that much is obvious. He was clearly an intended target."

"So that means that he was on the run because he was scared for his life. The whole theory we have about him depositing the key at Tom's because he was scared, tipped off by Cassandra just seems to be true. And I hate to say it, but I think that it means Voldemort knows about the prophecy."

James and Sirius were silent.

"I think you're right," James said finally, his voice ridden with anguish. They all knew what that meant for James and Lily.

"We still don't know who the other person in the prophecy is though," Sirius added. "Maybe it's Frank and Alice."

"Like that makes a difference," James snapped. "They're our friends too."

"Well of course – I didn't mean – " Sirius fumbled, so unlike him to become flustered with his words.

"We need to concentrate on protecting all of you, not just trying to figure out who is in danger. I think it's safe to say that we're all in danger at this point," Marlene pointed out, staring at the marking on her wrist. If Voldemort knew about the prophecy and had been hunting Hephias down in order to obtain it, then that meant that she was a hot target too.

"But he doesn't know that you have the key, Mar." Sirius was suddenly close beside her. He grabbed hold of her hand, diverting her attention away from the key as though he knew exactly what she was thinking.

She sighed, "Not yet. But this means that they're going to be looking for who does, and that means that – "

How had she not come to this conclusion sooner? Her eyes bulged, mouth falling open in her sudden realization of what this meant. Then she cried out, "Tom!"

She didn't need to explain further than that. She was rewarded with stony facial expressions from the boys in the room. Apparently they had already thought of this.

"No! No! He needs to leave. They're going to go after him and any other person that works in that department. And when they realize that Tom isn't the keeper, then it's only going to take a good truth serum or cruciatus curse for them to get it out of him. We're both as good as dead if he doesn't go into hiding. We all are!" she cried, tears she didn't know had been collecting began to fall.

She didn't elaborate what she meant by her last statement because she still hadn't told them about the second prophecy and her suspicions about what that meant. Sirius squeezed her hand but it did nothing to comfort her.

Sirius was trying to be reassuring, reaching forward to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Moody and Frank are watching him at the Ministry. And he's being guarded by Order members whenever he's not at work."

"But if there is a spy then that doesn't do him any good!" she yelled, yanking her body from Sirius's affectionate touch and standing to her feet. "Nobody else knows why we were looking for Hephias. Now all of a sudden Tom is being monitored, that's going to put a pretty big target on his back don't you think? He'll be the first person they go after for the key."

"Marlene," James said, trying to use his best, calming voice. "You're beginning to sound like Sirius. We don't know that there is a spy for certain." Then his eyes shifted to Sirius who was glaring at him. "Sorry mate, but it's true. We need to protect Tom and we can't do that if we suspect everyone of being a spy."

"Not everyone. Just Remus," Sirius growled.

Marlene shook her head vigorously. "I don't care! He's just in as much danger if he's at work because of Rookwood..." she trailed off, hands flying to cover her mouth. "Oh my god. If he thinks that Tom is the keeper he could try it at work. I need to go there! I need to warn him!"

"Like hell you are!" Sirius shot up from where he had been sitting to tower over her. "Do you recall that you have this?" He snatched her arm to hold it upwards, his hold more firm than he likely intended. The tattoo glared back at them all. "So what do you think is going to happen when you waltz in there and Rookwood realizes that you're the one he's looking for, not Tom? It's like delivering the lion its dinner on a gold platter."

"I – I – don't – " she stammered. She didn't know. But she couldn't just not do anything either.

But Sirius wasn't done. "That won't be enough Marlene, you need to keep yourself out of that place. I think you should quit your job too," he said, eyes flashing in warning. He was moving into overbearing-protective mode and Marlene felt a flush of indignation.

"I am not quitting my job!" she snapped. Even though she only worked a few days a week, she had taken a few extra days off on recommendation of Frank. He wanted to make sure that they had the right security measures in place before she returned. "I have access to valuable information there."

"You work part-time, how much access do you really have? Besides, Peter is already working in the department. He can get the inside information in your place. We aren't losing anything by you quitting your job." Sirius retorted in a patriarchal tone.

That made Marlene angry. She felt the heat fill her cheeks and she didn't care that she had raised her voice even an octave higher. Even the sound of Harry's cries from the floor above didn't stop her from unleashing her rage. "We're not doing this again, Sirius! I am an adult, I make my own choices, I do not need nor do I want you to hover over me like I'm some china doll that is going to break if the wind blows the wrong way."

"I'm not going to lose you again!" he roared. "If that means I have to lock you in a room with no windows and doors then so be it. But you are not going to put yourself in danger, not now that you have that damn mark on your wrist." Then he moved towards her, hand stretched outwards as if to grab hold of her somehow and physically prevent her from leaving. But she pulled away, twisting out of his path.

She knew it was immature when she told him, "Too bad you're not the boss of me." Then she flew to the door, whipped it open and ran out into the front yard, sensing him not far behind her. Then she disapparated, feeling the graze of Sirius's fingers on her arm and hearing the curse of his words as she spun away from the Potters and out of sight.

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