Chapter Forty Six

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Marlene leaving gave Sirius an opportunity he didn't think he'd easily get. He felt bad for letting her go home alone, and he second guessed it even after Lily had walked her to the door. But he wasn't going to see James again for a while and this was a conversation he'd rather have in person.

"So there's something I wanted to talk to you about," he said quietly. He could hear Lily moving but she hadn't bothered to come back into the living room. "But I'd rather you keep it to yourself for the time being."

"You know I hate keeping secrets from Lily," James said, even though he had a contradictory smirk on his face. Since he and Lily had started dating it was almost a certainty that James would keep nothing from her. Where Sirius initially had a difficult time letting Marlene in, James and Lily had not.

Their relationship had come more naturally than his and Marlene's. Sometimes he felt jealous about how easy they were together, and frustrated that he and Marlene had endured so many tribulations in their relationship by comparison.

But he loved Marlene. And he knew without a doubt that everything they had been through together had made their connection that much stronger. He only regretted that it took him so long to realize what he wanted from their relationship. Every day he became more and more certain.

"But you'll keep this one for me," Sirius warned him jokingly. "Trust me. Lily will find out soon enough anyways. But she shouldn't find out from you."

"It's about time," James said, his grin stretching farther than should be considered natural. His eyes lit up immediately and without Sirius even having to say the words, it was evident that his best friend knew exactly what Sirius had to say.

That was why James was his brother. More brother than Regulus ever had or could be. Or could have been, because Sirius was almost certain he was dead. The brief thought of Regulus passing through his mind almost caused him to frown. But James' excited energy brought him back to the present, where the future promised him so much more than living in the past.

Sirius moved his hand into his pocket and pulled out the small box.

"Are you sure you don't want Lily to see it first? I bet she could give you judgement on how much Marlene will like it."

"Lily can pass judgement after Marlene shows it to her," he laughed.

"So am I supposed to give you my blessing then? Is that what you're looking for?"

"I don't know how to do this," Sirius admitted. "I thought maybe you might be able to help me figure out the right way."

"Is the great all knowing Sirius Black finally admitting to not knowing something?" James feigned shock and Sirius narrowed his eyes slightly. James was one of the only people that Sirius could completely open up to about his insecurities. He had lived most of his life with a hardened exterior, a defense mechanism he developed early in life to cope with having an abusive family.

"Can we be serious for once?" he asked, no trace of annoyance in his tone. James's smile flickered and then his face fell neutral. He nodded his head.

"Yes of course."

James started to talk and Sirius listened. They had only been strategizing for a few minutes before the sound of something distant pulled his concentration away from James' far too elaborate plan that Sirius knew he had no chance at pulling off.


It was the faint sound of someone calling his name, he was sure of it. "Shhh mate," he interrupted James from speaking. "Did you hear that?"

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