Chapter Thirty Two

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It was late and visiting hours had long passed. Sirius was slumped uncomfortably against the wall next to her, eyes closed and letting out ragged and uneven breaths that told Marlene he was likely sleeping. They were sitting in the hallway at the far end of the hallway, about ten feet away from where Tom had been secluded for the night.

Though Tom had been silent for hours due to the heavy doses of calming draught, they had moved all the other patients in the area to the opposite side of the ward. Marlene was appreciative for the privacy, considering they weren't even supposed to be there.

"Sirius?" Marlene prodded at his shoulder to test whether or not he was awake.

He let out a grunt, "Mmmm." Then he was silent. Definitely asleep.

She pulled herself up off the floor, careful with her movements so as not to wake him. Then she moved silently down the long hallway towards the Healers desk. She hadn't eaten anything or had something to drink in hours and her throat was feeling dry and insatiable.

A low murmur of voices could be heard right before she turned the corner of the hall. They were too quiet for her to decipher the words, but she could definitely tell they were masculine. Not thinking anything other than the glass of water she was so desperately seeking, she rounded the corner and into the direct sight of the desk.

Patrick glanced up from his chair and immediately stopped talking. The man on the opposite side of the desk seemed to stiffen, and then slowly turned his body so that Marlene could see that he wasn't a Healer working the unit.

And then her heart stalled in her chest. 

Because it was Augustus Rookwood.

"As I told you already Augustus, it's too late for visitors. You'll have to come back tomorrow." She heard Patrick's voice, louder in volume this time, bounce off the quiet walls of the ward. He had turned his attention back to Rookwood, whose eyes were still locked on Marlene.

Marlene hesitated. She didn't want to turn away and cause any suspicious movements, yet she didn't want to draw any closer to the man she was certain had been the cause of Tom's demise. The man she was certain would be after her if he only knew.

Suddenly the tattoo on her wrist felt hot and bothersome, like it sensed the danger standing twenty feet away and screaming at her to run. She didn't comply, instead tugging on the sleeve of her sweater to ensure it was hidden well and continuing forward towards the desk.

She mentally accounted for her wand which was stored in her back pocket, hoping she wouldn't need to use it.

"I had to work late this evening, it's the first opportunity I had to get away. I was the one who found him as you know, and I'd really like to make sure he's alright." She overheard Augustus speaking. Not an ounce of concern seemed to accompany his words. Or perhaps Marlene was biased and was looking for excuses of his guilt, which was a good possibility.

"Do you need anything Marlene?" Patrick looked back over at her as she approached the desk.

"Just grabbing water," she said, offering the weakest of smiles. They hadn't talked again since Sirius had shown up, though she had seen him many times during the course of the evening.

"Your Tom's God daughter, right?" Augustus continued to look at her, his hawk like eyes scanning over her as though he might be able to see straight through her and discover the key hiding away on her arm. She resisted the urge to grab for it.

"Yes," she confirmed, her voice fragile and uncertain.

"You wouldn't mind if I dropped by to see how he's doing would you?" he asked, voice suave and commanding. Marlene felt her heart thundering so hard against her ribcage that she thought her bones might break. The wand was so close, and her fingertips twitched thinking about grabbing for it. He seemed to pose no immediate danger, yet still she was weary of his presence.

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